Table 3.1
Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and relationship of accused to victim, Canada, 2018

Table 3.1
Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and relationship of accused to victim, Canada, 2018
Table summary
This table displays the results of Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence. The information is grouped by Relationship of accused to victim (appearing as row headers), Female victims, Male victims and Total victims, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Relationship of accused to victim Female victims Male victims Total victims
number percent number percent number percent
Family relationship 2,366 43 1,695 25 4,061 33
ChildTable 3.1 Note 1 674 12 591 9 1,265 10
SpouseTable 3.1 Note 2 751 14 324 5 1,075 9
SiblingTable 3.1 Note 3 288 5 216 3 504 4
Other familyTable 3.1 Note 4 653 12 564 8 1,217 10
Non-family relationship 3,142 57 4,994 75 8,136 67
Dating or other intimate partnerTable 3.1 Note 5 177 3 145 2 322 3
FriendTable 3.1 Note 6 207 4 314 5 521 4
Casual acquaintanceTable 3.1 Note 7 1,478 27 1,861 28 3,339 27
Authority figureTable 3.1 Note 8 129 2 126 2 255 2
Stranger 1,018 18 2,196 33 3,214 26
OtherTable 3.1 Note 9 133 2 352 5 485 4
Unknown 1 Note ...: not applicable 4 Note ...: not applicable 5 Note ...: not applicable
Total victims 5,509 100 6,693 100 12,202 100
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