Section 3: Police-reported family violence against seniors in Canada, 2018

by Laura Savage

One-third of senior victims of police-reported violence victimized by a family member

Chart 3.1 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by sex and year, Canada, 2009 to 2018

Data table for Chart 3.1 
Data table for chart 3.1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for chart 3.1. The information is grouped by Year (appearing as row headers), Family violence, Non-family violence, female victims, male victims and total victims, calculated using rate per 100,000 population units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Year Family violence Non-family violence
female victims male victims total victims female victims male victims total victims
rate per 100,000 population
2009 65 55 60 83 160 118
2010 69 51 61 90 167 125
2011 67 53 61 84 160 119
2012 68 51 60 86 159 120
2013 64 51 58 86 156 118
2014 66 53 60 80 154 115
2015 66 53 60 90 161 123
2016 68 56 62 87 163 122
2017 71 58 65 96 173 132
2018 73 60 67 98 177 135

Over four in ten police-reported sexual assaults against seniors are not cleared

The majority of senior victims of police-reported family violence live with the person who victimized them

Physical force used against six in ten senior victims of family violence

Males accused of family violence against seniors were most commonly seniors themselves

Slight increase in police-reported violence against seniors between 2017 and 2018

Over one-third of family-related homicide of seniors motivated by frustration, anger or despair

Start of text box 3.1

Text box 3.1
Violence against seniors living in residences

The proportion of seniors aged 65 and older is expected to continue growing at a rapid pace. According to the most recent population projections, one in five (20%) Canadians could be aged 65 and older by 2024.Note 

As the population ages, the number of seniors (aged 65 and older) residing in nursing homes continues to grow.Note Note  Of the 12,202 senior victims of police-reported violence in 2018, 946 (8%) occurred in a nursing home or a retirement home. Of this number, most (79%) victims were victims of a physical assault, while almost two in ten (18%) were the victim of a sexual assault. The remaining victims were victims of other violent behaviour.

When looking specifically at incidents involving a single victim and a single accused, over seven in ten (71%) senior victims of violence were victimized by a casual acquaintance, often another senior (85%).

Nursing and retirement homes were added as incident locations in the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey in 2017. As such, some police services may not have fully implemented these categories in their coding practices. This text box reflects the data available for these two locations.

End of text box 3.1

Detailed data tables

Table 3.1 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and relationship of accused to victim, Canada, 2018

Table 3.2 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and type of violation, Canada, 2018

Table 3.3 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex, type of violation and clearance status, Canada, 2018

Table 3.4 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex, incident location and relationship of accused to victim, Canada, 2018

Table 3.5 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by sex of victim, type of weapon present and level of injury, Canada, 2018

Table 3.6 Persons accused of police-reported family and non-family violence against seniors, by accused sex, age group and relationship of accused to victim, Canada, 2018

Table 3.7 Senior victims of police-reported family violence and non-family violence, by victim sex and province or territory, 2017 to 2018

Table 3.8 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and urban or rural area, provinces, 2018

Table 3.9 Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and census metropolitan area, 2018

Table 3.10 Senior victims of family-related and non-family homicide, by victim sex and type of motive, Canada, 2008 to 2018

Table 3.11 Senior victims of family-related and non-family homicide, by victim sex and year, Canada, 2008 to 2018

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