Table 2
Completed cases by type of decision, adult criminal and youth courts, Canada, 2007/2008 and 2016/2017

Table 2
Completed cases by type of decision, adult criminal and youth courts, Canada, 2007/2008 and 2016/2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Completed cases by type of decision. The information is grouped by Decision type (appearing as row headers), Adult, Youth, 2007/2008 and 2016/2017, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Decision type Adult Youth
2007/2008 2016/2017 2007/2008 2016/2017
number percent number percent number percent number percent
GuiltyTable 2 Note 1 255,487 65 226,231 63 35,168 60 15,621 54
Acquitted 12,592 3 14,539 4 713 1 451 2
StayTable 2 Note 2 35,687 9 36,160 10 10,066 17 5,967 20
WithdrawnTable 2 Note 3 84,425 21 77,137 22 12,440 21 6,953 24
Other decisionsTable 2 Note 4 5,002 1 3,575 1 323 1 180 1
Total cases 393,193 100 357,642 100 58,710 100 29,172 100
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