Table 4
Admissions to adult correctional services, by type of supervision and jurisdiction, 2016/2017

Table 4
Admissions to adult correctional services, by type of supervision and jurisdiction, 2016/2017
Table summary
This table displays the results of Admissions to adult correctional services. The information is grouped by Jurisdiction (appearing as row headers), Custody, Community supervision, Total correctional services, Sentenced custody , Remand, Other temporary custody, Total, Total percent change from 2015/2016, Probation, Conditional sentences and Other, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Jurisdiction Custody Community supervision Total correctional services
Sentenced custody Remand Other temporary custodyTable 4 Note 1 Total Total percent change from 2015/2016Table 4 Note 2 Probation Conditional sentences OtherTable 4 Note 3 Total Total percent change from 2015/2016Table 4 Note 2 Total Total percent change from 2015/2016Table 4 Note 2
number percent number percent number percent
Newfoundland and Labrador 977 981 92 2,050 1 1,323 379 0 1,702 -3 3,752 -1
Prince Edward Island 484 186 0 670 1 706 25 159 890 -2 1,560 -1
Nova Scotia 1,642 2,881 218 4,741 -6 2,607 643 1,104 4,354 -6 9,095 -6
New Brunswick 2,514 2,223 515 5,252 4 1,595 520 230 2,345 0 7,597 3
Quebec 11,467 28,625 3,573 43,665 1 9,852 1,816 13,355 25,023 10 68,688 4
Ontario 22,951 46,910 4,803 74,664 -1 28,400 3,524 349 32,273 3 106,937 0
Manitoba 7,114 14,375 7,385 28,874 4 7,819 898 1,522 10,239 0 39,113 3
Saskatchewan 4,595 8,547 250 13,392 2 5,003 1,485 3,627 10,115 3 23,507 2
Alberta 20,544 26,172 1,778 48,494 Note ...: not applicable 10,026 972 19,594 30,592 Note ...: not applicable 79,086 Note ...: not applicable
British Columbia 11,279 15,011 1,474 27,764 5 9,018 1,964 19,603 30,585 -1 58,349 2
Yukon 118 379 7 504 -29 320 95 836 1,251 4 1,755 -8
Northwest Territories 412 614 0 1,026 -1 342 49 137 528 13 1,554 3
Nunavut 446 444 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 890 4 99 30 768 897 44 1,787 21
Total—provinces and territories 84,543 147,348 20,095 251,986 1 77,110 12,400 61,284 150,794 3 402,780 2
FederalTable 4 Note 4 4,959 Note ...: not applicable 2,311 7,270 -5 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 7,480 7,480 0 14,750 -2
Total—all jurisdictions 89,502 147,348 22,406 259,256 1 77,110 12,400 68,764 158,274 3 417,530 2
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