Table 3
Admissions to adult correctional services by type of supervision and jurisdiction, 2013/2014

Table 3
Admissions to adult correctional services by type of supervision and jurisdiction, 2013/2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Admissions to adult correctional services by type of supervision and jurisdiction. The information is grouped by Jurisdiction (appearing as row headers), Custody, Change from 2012/2013, Community supervision, Total correctional supervision, Sentenced custody, Remand, Other temporary custody , Total, Probation, Conditional sentences and Other , calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Jurisdiction Custody Change from 2012/2013 Community supervision Change from 2012/2013 Total correctional supervision
Sentenced custody Remand Other temporary custodyNote 1 Total Probation Conditional sentences OtherNote 2 Total Total Change from 2012/2013
number percent number percent number percent
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,085 719 97 1,901 0 1,427 436 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 1,863 -4 3,764 -2
Prince Edward Island 562 216 1 779 -3 912 19 189 1,120 0 1,899 -1
Nova Scotia 2,053 3,093 257 5,403 -1 2,863 771 1,170 4,804 -7 10,207 -4
New Brunswick 2,278 2,054 467 4,799 -8 1,677 488 422 2,587 -8 7,386 -8
Quebec 9,752 30,556 3,253 43,561 2 9,295 3,016 11,070 23,381 4 66,942 3
Ontario 27,724 48,328 4,648 80,700 -9 31,501 4,271 359 36,131 -7 116,831 -8
Manitoba 6,316 13,123 7,643 27,082 -1 8,166 1,196 2,063 11,425 3 38,507 0
Saskatchewan 4,501 6,862 314 11,677 3 4,113 1,547 4,306 9,966 1 21,643 2
British Columbia 9,010 12,155 1,283 22,448 -1 9,447 2,660 18,937 31,044 -1 53,492 -1
Yukon 240 475 20 735 -9 322 88 727 1,137 0 1,872 -4
Northwest Territories 522 459 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 981 -6 342 56 43 441 -9 1,422 -7
Nunavut 561 472 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 1,033 19 353 75 523 951 0 1,984 9
Provincial and territorial - total 64,604 118,512 17,983 201,099 -4 70,418 14,623 39,809 124,850 -2 325,949 -3
FederalNote 3 5,207 Note ...: not applicable 2,991 8,198 0 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 7,660 7,660 3 15,858 1
Total - all jurisdictions 69,811 118,512 20,974 209,297 -3 70,418 14,623 47,469 132,510 -2 341,807 -3
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