Table 1.2
Rates of selected police-reported offences against family members, 2009 to 2011

Table 1.2 Rates of selected police-reported offences against family members, 2009 to 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of table 1.2 rates of selected police-reported offences against family members. The information is grouped by relationship of accused to victim/offence type (appearing as row headers), 2009, 2010, 2011 and percent change 2009 to 2011, calculated using number and rate units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Relationship of accused to victim/offence type 2009 2010 2011 Percent change 2009 to 2011
number rateNote 1 number rateNote 1 number rateNote 1
SpousalNote 2  
HomicideNote 3 65 0.2 65 0.2 66 0.2 -0.7
Attempted murderNote 4 65 0.2 61 0.2 56 0.2 -15.9
Physical assaultNote 4Note 5 36,916 134 35,569 127 34,915 123 -8
Sexual assaultNote 4Note 6 815 3 849 3 833 3 0
Other familyNote 7  
HomicideNote 3 88 0.3 75 0.2 79 0.2 -12.2
Attempted murderNote 4 75 0.2 63 0.2 72 0.2 -6.0
Physical assaultNote 4Note 5 32,119 97 34,636 103 31,379 93 -4
Sexual assaultNote 4Note 6 5,156 16 5,291 16 4,977 15 -5
Total family  
HomicideNote 3 153 0.5 140 0.4 145 0.4 -7.3
Attempted murderNote 4 140 0.4 124 0.4 128 0.4 -10.4
Physical assaultNote 4Note 5 69,035 208 67,205 201 66,294 196 -6
Sexual assaultNote 4Note 6 5,971 18 6,140 18 5,810 17 -5
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