Table 1
Active civil courts cases, by type and selected province and territory, 2011/2012

Table 1
Active civil courts cases, by type and selected province and territory, 2011/2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of active civil courts cases. The information is grouped by type of civil court case (appearing as row headers), n.s., n.b., ont., alta., b.c., y.t., n.w.t., nvt. and total, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of civil court case N.S. N.B. Ont. Alta. B.C. Y.T. N.W.T. Nvt. Total
Family cases 14,387 5,904 160,687 77,562 63,600 545 917 810 324,412
Total child cases 4,317 4,379 58,836 33,805 35,074 188 286 224 137,109
Access or custody (not involving child protection) 2,524 2,411 31,010 20,672 23,052 148 192 87 80,096
Child protection 1,429 303 18,200 6,998 4,049 32 63 106 31,180
Child support (only) 364 1,665 9,626 6,135 7,973 8 31 31 25,833
Uncontested divorce (with no other issues) 3,803 713 40,133 9,941 15,141 159 53 16 69,959
Adoption 0 48 1,449 Note .: not available for any reference period 497 10 12 227 2,243
Other family related with no child issues 6,267 764 60,269 33,816 12,888 188 566 343 115,101
Non-family civil cases 21,346 7,108 325,308 128,447 122,713 787 873 330 606,912
Lawsuits for injury or damage 2,882 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 90,234 26,288 35,704 166 86 23 155,383
Contract disputes 9,468 2 67,084 47,818 9,435 278 410 199 134,694
Bankruptcy 1,626 827 20,253 10,991 6,560 21 52 14 40,344
Probate 4,489 616 3,971 8,525 11,731 95 88 57 29,572
Other civil actions (non-family) 2,881 0 141,845 10,646 3,065 227 115 37 158,816
Civil court cases (non-family) - unknown 0 5,663 1,921 24,179 56,218 0 122 0 88,103
Total caseload 35,733 13,012 485,995 206,009 186,313 1,332 1,790 1,140 931,324
Family cases as percentage of total caseload 40 45 33 38 34 41 51 71 35
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