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Text table 2Expected number of deaths in 2005 and age-specific mortality rates in 2004 and 2005, Canada

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Expected number of deaths in 2005 and age-specific mortality rates in 2004 and 2005, Canada
Age Group 2004 ASMR 1 2005 Population 2005 Expected deaths 2  2005 ASMR 1 Difference 3 Percentage difference
  rate number rate percent
< 1 year old 5.27 342,176  1,802  5.44 0.18 3.4
1 to 4 0.21 1,360,230  285  0.21 0.00 -1.0
5 to 9 0.10 1,884,736  192  0.11 0.00 3.3
10 to 14 0.12 2,107,333  257  0.15 0.03 20.8
15 to 19 0.44 2,147,742  943  0.46 0.02 4.6
20 to 24 0.58 2,245,729  1,299  0.60 0.02 3.3
25 to 29 0.57 2,197,797  1,250  0.58 0.01 1.2
30 to 34 0.67 2,227,420  1,490  0.69 0.02 3.4
35 to 39 0.94 2,367,474  2,225  0.92 -0.02 -2.1
40 to 44 1.35 2,747,206  3,707  1.41 0.06 4.5
45 to 49 2.21 2,620,511  5,788  2.22 0.02 0.7
50 to 54 3.50 2,302,530  8,067  3.45 -0.06 -1.6
55 to 59 5.50 2,012,118  11,074  5.41 -0.10 -1.8
60 to 64 9.02 1,515,291  13,674  8.76 -0.27 -3.0
65 to 69 14.08 1,194,137  16,816  13.73 -0.35 -2.5
70 to 74 22.76 1,043,265  23,747  22.46 -0.30 -1.3
75 to 79 37.40 864,867  32,349  36.63 -0.77 -2.1
80 to 84 62.32 625,838  39,001  61.43 -0.89 -1.4
85 to 89 107.74 323,028  34,804  106.15 -1.60 -1.5
90 + 204.95 170,068  34,855  200.72 -4.23 -2.1
All ages          233,624       
The age-specific mortality rate is per 1,000 population.
Expected deaths for 2005, were obtained by applying 2004 age-specific mortaility rates to the 2005 population.
This represents thedifference in age-specific mortality rates between 2004 and 2005.