Other findings from the National Population Health Survey (NPHS)
The articles below were published in Health Reports. They show, among others, results from the National Population Health Survey longitudinal data. They are in alphabetical order of titles and in printable PDF format.
Changes in social support in relation to seniors′ use of home care
Chronic back problems among workers
Determinants of self-perceived health
Health among older adults
Health care consequences of falls for seniors
Health effects of physical activity
Health in mid-life
Heart disease, family history and physical activity
Hormone replacement therapy and incident arthritis
Incident arthritis in relation to excess weight
Long working hours and health
Loss and recovery of independence among seniors
Moderate alcohol consumption and heart disease
National population health survey overview, 1996-97 (82-567)
Patterns of use – alternative health care practitioners
Personal health practices: Smoking, drinking, physical activity and weight
Proxy reporting in the National Population Health Survey
Psychological health – depression
Repetitive strain injuries
Shift work and health
Social support and mortality in seniors
Starting and sustaining physical activity
Stress, health and the benefit of social support
The health of lone mothers
The National Population Health Survey – its longitudinal nature
Tracking diabetes: Prevalence, incidence and risk factors