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Induced abortion statisticsThis product is a compilation of historical annual statistics on induced abortions performed in Canada on Canadian and non-Canadian residents. Where applicable, data on induced abortions performed on Canadian women in selected American states are also provided. Counts, rates, and ratio per 100 live births of induced abortions at the Canada and provincial/territorial levels are provided. The tables also indicate whether the abortion was performed in a hospital or clinic setting. A table on the number and rate of induced abortions by age group of the woman is also provided. Some tables provide data back to 1970 while others provide data back to 1987. These tables are updated annually to include the most current data year available. The data source for these tables is the Therapeutic Abortion Survey. Statistics Canada was responsible for the survey for data years 1970 to 1994. As of the 1995 reference year, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) assumed responsibility, but Statistics Canada continues to play a major role in the dissemination of data from the survey. See also the document History of the Therapeutic Abortion Survey. For more information on CIHI, visit their website at |