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1.1 Health region level population estimates
2.1 Provincial vital and cancer statistics
2.2 Regional-level vital statistics indicators
2.2.1 Regional level data quality measures: Confidence intervals
2.2.2 Age-standardized rates
2.2.3 Geographic coding (Geo-coding) to health regions
2.2.4 Birth statistics
2.2.5 Life expectancy
2.2.6 Disability-free life expectancy
2.2.7 Disability-adjusted life expectancy (DALE)
2.2.8 Deaths due to medically treatable diseases
2.2.9 Potential years of life lost
4.1 National Population Health Survey
4.2 National Population Health Survey - Northern Component
4.3 Canadian Community Health Survey
4.4 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth
4.5 Bootstrap resampling method
Indicators based on crime data
Indicators based on labour force data
Indicators based on Census data
8.1 Hospitalization data and rates (CIHI)
8.2 Physician data (CIHI)
Population estimates
Statistics Canada methodology
Provincial methodologies