Table 2
Sample sizes of paired respondent birth parent–child dyads and biological sibling dyads, by sex, Canadian Health Measures Survey relationship data files, cycles 1 through 5 (2007 to 2017)

Table 2
Sample sizes of paired respondent birth parent–child dyads and biological sibling dyads, by sex, Canadian Health Measures Survey relationship data files, cycles 1 through 5 (2007 to 2017)
Table summary
This table displays the results of Sample sizes of paired respondent birth parent–child dyads and biological sibling dyads. The information is grouped by Type of relationship between respondents (appearing as row headers), Cycle and Total dyads
(cycles 1 to 5), calculated using number units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of relationship between respondents Cycle Total dyads
(cycles 1 to 5)
1Table 2 Note  2 3 4 5
Birth parent–child dyads (3- to 11Table 2 Note -year-old child respondents)
Parent–son 349 581 508 530 541 2,509
Parent–daughter 329 538 489 532 522 2,410
Mother–child 419 662 548 558 560 2,747
Mother–son 227 347 271 275 300 1,420
Mother–daughter 192 315 277 283 260 1,327
Father–child 259 457 449 504 503 2,172
Father–son 122 234 237 255 241 1,089
Father–daughter 137 223 212 249 262 1,083
Biological sibling dyads (6- to 11Table 2 Note -year-old child respondents only)
Brothers 63 70 91 82 75 381
Sisters 69 67 79 66 73 354
Younger brother–older sister 57 75 77 68 80 357
Younger sister–older brother 47 94 69 80 85 375
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