Table 2
Prevalence of unperceived hearing loss by severity of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss and selected characteristics, household population aged 40 to 79, Canada excluding territories, 2012 to 2015

Table 2
Prevalence of unperceived hearing loss by severity of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss and selected characteristics, household population aged 40 to 79, Canada excluding territories, 2012 to 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Prevalence of unperceived hearing loss by severity of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss and selected characteristics. The information is grouped by Characteristics (appearing as row headers), Total, Severity of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss, Mild , Moderate to severe, Pure-tone average > 25 dB, Pure-tone average > 25 dB and ≤ 40 dB, Pure-tone average > 40 dB, % and 95% confidence interval (appearing as column headers).
Characteristics Total Severity of audiometrically measured high-frequency hearing loss
Pure-tone average > 25 dB Pure-tone average > 25 dB and ≤ 40 dB Pure-tone average > 40 dB
percent 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval percent 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to
Total 77.1 73.8 80.1 92.8 88.9 95.4 64.6 59.0 69.8
Sociodemographic characteristics
Men 76.1 72.0 79.8 94.3 89.1 97.1 66.2 59.8 72.0
WomenTable 2 Note  78.4 73.8 82.4 91.6 85.0 95.4 61.5 53.9 68.5
Age group (years)
40 to 59 80.5 74.3 85.5 91.1 83.3 95.5 66.6 54.7 76.8
60 to 79Table 2 Note  74.4 70.4 78.1 95.0 92.6 96.6 63.5 58.6 68.2
Marital status
Married or common law 76.7 73.0 80.1 92.2 86.5 95.6 63.6 57.5 69.3
Separated, widowed, divorced or singleTable 2 Note  77.9 71.4 83.3 94.4 88.5 97.4 66.5 55.6 76.0
Lives alone
Yes 76.2 68.3 82.6 95.0 89.7 97.6 63.8 51.8 74.3
NoTable 2 Note  77.4 73.8 80.6 92.2 87.3 95.4 64.9 58.9 70.4
Self-reported general health
Excellent, very good or good 78.4Note * 74.7 81.7 93.1 88.5 96.0 66.4Note * 60.3 71.9
Fair or poorTable 2 Note  69.7 64.2 74.7 90.8 83.8 94.9 55.9 47.5 63.9
Ever experienced tinnitus
Yes 69.1Note * 64.1 73.7 88.6 78.7 94.2 56.1Note * 50.1 61.9
NoTable 2 Note  83.5 79.0 87.2 95.6 92.6 97.5 72.4 64.2 79.2
Regular family doctor
Yes 76.6 73.0 79.8 92.4 88.1 95.2 64.2 58.1 69.8
NoTable 2 Note  81.9 73.8 88.0 97.2 90.1 99.3 68.9 56.7 78.9
Ever worked in a noisy environment
YesTable 2 Note  72.6 67.6 77.0 94.4 88.1 97.5 59.4 52.8 65.7
No 80.4Note * 76.5 83.7 91.9 86.2 95.4 69.2Note * 62.2 75.4
Hearing protection requiredTable 2 Note 
Yes 78.0 69.0 85.0 94.7 85.2 98.3 69.6Note * 58.9 78.5
NoTable 2 Note  70.0 63.7 75.7 94.2 85.6 97.8 54.4 46.3 62.2
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