Tables and figures

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Table 1
Percentage of population consuming beverages the day before and quantity consumed, by age, year and type of beverage, household population aged 1 to 18, Canada excluding territories, 2004 and 2015

Table 2
Quantity and contribution of selected beverages to nutrient intake by year, age and sex group, and type of beverage, household population aged 1 to 18 years, Canada excluding territories, 2004 and 2015

Table 3
Percentage of population consuming beverages the day before and quantity consumed, by age, year and type of beverage, household population aged 19 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2004 and 2015

Table 4
Quantity and contribution of selected beverages to nutrient intake by year, age and sex group, and type of beverage, household population aged 19 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2004 and 2015


Figure 1
Change in the contribution of both total beverage and water to daily moisture intake, by age and sex, household population aged 1 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2004 to 2015

Figure 2
Change in the proportion of the population consuming more juice than whole fruit and vegetables or whole fruit only, by age and sex, household population aged 2 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2004 to 2015

Figure 3
Average servings of milk and alternatives consumed, by subcategory, age and sex, household population aged 2 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2004 and 2015

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