Table 1
Characteristics of household population aged 20 to 79, by sex, 2007 to 2015

Table 1
Characteristics of household population aged 20 to 79, by sex, 2007 to 2015
Table summary
This table displays the results of Characteristics of household population aged 20 to 79 Women, Men, Sample size, % and 95% confidence interval (appearing as column headers).
Women Men
Sample size % 95% confidence interval Sample size % 95% confidence interval
from to from to
Hypertensive 1,720 21.5 19.8 23.2 1,832Table 1 Note  24.5 22.7 26.4
Sociodemographic characteristics
Age in years (mean) 6,925 46.5 46.2 46.8 6,482Table 1 Note  45.7 45.5 46.0
20 to 39 years 2,414 36.1 35.5 36.6 2,135Table 1 Note  37.8 37.6 38.1
40 to 59 years 2,335 40.4 40.0 40.7 2,272 40.2 40.0 40.5
60 to 69 years 1,352 15.4 14.6 16.2 1,395 14.9 14.2 15.6
70 to 79 years 824 8.2 7.5 8.9 680Table 1 Note  7.0 6.4 7.6
Married/Common-law 4,202 64.9 62.5 67.1 4,531 66.0 63.7 68.3
Less than secondary school graduation 916 11.8 10.3 13.6 854 13.3 11.5 15.3
In lowest income quintile 1,674 21.4 19.3 23.6 1,151Table 1 Note  17.4 15.2 19.9
White 5,601 78.3 73.5 82.4 5,245 78.4 73.3 82.8
Personal and family history
Has regular doctor 6,229 88.9 87.2 90.4 5,317Table 1 Note  79.3 76.9 81.5
Current smoker (daily or occasional) 1,346 20.3 18.4 22.2 1,566Table 1 Note  26.9 25.2 28.6
Cardiovascular disease 373 4.0 3.5 4.7 582Table 1 Note  7.5 6.7 8.4
Family history of high blood pressure 3,432 51.5 49.4 53.7 2,840Table 1 Note  46.5 44.1 48.9
Family history of early cardiovascular disease 1,585 22.0 19.9 24.2 1,302Table 1 Note  18.7 17.2 20.3
Risk factors
Less than 150 minutes/week MVPA 3,616 51.2 48.5 53.9 2,829Table 1 Note  39.2 36.1 42.5
Eats fruits or vegetables fewer than five times per day 4,495 67.3 65.2 69.4 4,983Table 1 Note  77.5 75.8 79.2
Overweight or obese 4,058 56.3 53.3 59.2 4,650Table 1 Note  69.5 67.3 71.6
Diabetes 557 7.1 6.2 8.0 685Table 1 Note  9.4 8.3 10.6
Chronic kidney disease 485 5.6 4.7 6.7 347Table 1 Note  4.3 3.7 5.0
Non-HDL cholesterol 4.3 mmol/L or higher 1,358 18.5 16.7 20.4 1,720Table 1 Note  27.2 24.7 29.8
Risk score (mean) 6,752 2.1 2.0 2.1 6,313Table 1 Note  2.3 2.2 2.3
Zero risk factors 520 8.5 7.1 10.1 247Table 1 Note  4.2 3.3 5.5
One risk factor 1,562 23.9 21.9 26.1 1,167 21.9 19.9 24.0
Two risk factors 2,203 32.4 30.3 34.5 2,022 31.6 29.4 33.8
Three risk factors 1,689 24.7 22.7 26.7 1,936Table 1 Note  28.6 26.6 30.6
Four risk factors 659 9.4 8.0 11.0 831Table 1 Note  12.1 10.8 13.6
Five or six risk factors 119 1.1 0.8 1.5 110 1.6 1.2 2.1
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