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Table 1
Predicted net survival (NS) estimates, by selected cancer type and survival duration, ages 15 to 99 years at diagnosis, Canada excluding Quebec, 2012 to 2014

Table 2
Predicted changes in age-standardized net survival, by selected cancer type and time period, ages 15 to 99 years at diagnosis, Canada excluding Quebec, 1992-to-1994 to 2012-to-2014 period

Table 3
Age-specific predicted five-year net survival (NS) estimates, by selected cancer type, Canada excluding Quebec, 2012 to 2014

Table 4
Age-specific changes in five-year net survival, by selected cancer type, ages 15 to 84 years, Canada excluding Quebec, 1992-to-1994 to 2012-to-2014 period

Table A
Predicted, sex-specific, five-year age-standardized net survival (NS) estimates by standard weight source used, selected cancer type, ages 15 to 99 years at diagnosis, Canada excluding Quebec, 2012 to 2014

Table B
Canadian cancer survival standard weights used in the age-standardization of net survival estimates

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