Table 3
Percentage reporting impacts on life and limitations, household population with multiple sclerosisTable 3 Note  aged 15 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2011

Table 3
Percentage reporting impacts on life and limitations, household population with multiple sclerosis† aged 15 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of Percentage reporting impacts on life and limitations. The information is grouped by Impact on life/Limitation (appearing as row headers), % and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Impact on life/Limitation % 95% confidence interval
from to
Overall, how much multiple sclerosis affects life
Not at all 14.4Note E: Use with caution 9.1 22.1
A little bit 21.7 15.8 29.2
Moderately 24.0 18.1 31.2
Quite a bit 20.3 15.2 26.6
Extremely 19.5Note E: Use with caution 13.2 27.8
Functional impact
Able to walk without aid 57.0 48.1 65.5
Able to walk with aid 31.2 24.1 39.4
Unable to walk 11.8Note E: Use with caution 7.2 18.8
Usually free of pain 53.5 43.8 62.9
Pain prevents none/a few activities 21.1 15.6 27.8
Pain prevents some/most activities 25.5Note E: Use with caution 18.0 34.6
Limited getting a good night's sleep
Not at all 37.8 31.0 45.1
A little bit/Moderately 35.5 28.0 43.8
Quite a bit/Extremely 26.7 19.9 34.9
Able to remember and think 49.9 42.5 57.4
At least some difficulty remembering and thinking 50.1 42.6 57.5
Social impact
Prevented from drivingTable 3 Note 
Yes 29.8 23.4 37.0
No 70.2 63.0 76.6
Limited educational opportunities
Not at all 67.8 60.5 74.3
A little bit/Moderately 17.6Note E: Use with caution 12.4 24.5
Quite a bit/Extremely 14.6Note E: Use with caution 10.4 20.2
Limited job opportunities
Not at all 41.8 34.3 49.8
A little bit/Moderately 13.9Note E: Use with caution 9.5 19.9
Quite a bit/Extremely 44.2 36.0 52.8
Social interactions
Negative feelings about social interactions
Sometimes/Often/Always 43.1 34.7 52.0
Rarely/Never 56.9 48.0 65.3
Sometimes/Often/Always 27.5 20.6 35.8
Rarely/Never 72.5 64.2 79.4
People felt uncomfortable around me
Sometimes/Often/Always 18.5 13.5 24.8
Rarely/Never 81.5 75.2 86.5
Felt left out
Sometimes/Often/Always 31.1 23.6 39.8
Rarely/Never 68.9 60.2 76.4
Some people avoided me
Sometimes/Often/Always 13.9Note E: Use with caution 8.4 21.9
Rarely/Never 86.1 78.1 91.6
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