Figure B
Nutritional risk questions and response categories in Canadian Community Health Survey-Healthy Aging (CCHS-HA) and SCREEN II-AB

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Figure B Nutritional risk questions and response categories in Canadian Community Health Survey-Healthy Aging (CCHS-HA) and SCREEN II-AB

Description for Figure B



Response categories (points)

Item number 1

1. Compared with 6 months ago, have you gained weight, lost weight or stayed about the same?
Stayed the same (8)
Don't know (0) (those who replied "Don't know" went on to Question 3)
Gained weight (0)
Lost weight (0) (those who lost weight went on to Question 2)

2. How much weight did you lose/gain in the past 6 months?
More than 10 pounds/4.5 kilos (0)
6 to 10 pounds/2.7 to 4.5 kilos (2)
About 5 pounds/2.3 kilos (4)
Less than 5 pounds/2.3 kilos (8)

Item number 2

3. In general, how often do you skip meals?
Almost every day (0)
Often (2)
Sometimes (4)
Never or rarely (8)

Item number 3

4. In gener
Fair (4)
Good (6)
Very good (8)

Item number 4

5. In general, how often do you cough, choke or have pain when swallowing food or fluid?
Often or always (0)
Sometimes (2)
Rarely (6)
Never (8)

Item number 5

6. In general, how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat in a day?
Less than two (0)
Two (1)
Three (2)
Four (3)
Five (4)
Six (4)
Seven or more (4)

Item number 6

7. How much fluid do you drink in a day?
Less than two cups (0)
About two cups (1)
Three to four cups (2)
Five to seven cups (3)
Eight or more cups (4)

Item number 7

8. How often do you eat at least one meal each day with someone?
Never or rarely (0)
Sometimes (2)
Often (3)
Almost always (4)

Item number 8

9. Do you usually cook your own meals?
No (those who replied "No" went on to Question 11)
Yes (those who replied "Yes" went on to Question 10)

10. Which of the following statements best describes meal preparation for you?
I usually find cooking a chore (0)
I sometimes find cooking a chore (2)
I enjoy cooking most of my meals (4)

11. Which of the following statements best describes the meals prepared for you?
I'm not satisfied with the quality of the food prepared by others (0)
I'm satisfied with the quality of the food prepared by others (4)



Response categories

Item number 1

Has your weight changed in the past 6 months?
Yes, I gained more than 10 pounds
Yes, I gained 6 to 10 pounds
Yes, I gained about 5 pounds
No, my weight stayed within a few pounds
Yes, I lost about 5 pounds
Yes, I lost 6 to 10 pounds
Yes, I lost more than 10 pounds
I don’t know how much I weigh or if my weight has changed

Item number 2

Do you skip meals?
Almost every day
Never or rarely

Item number 3

How would you describe your appetite?
Very good

Item number 4

Do you cough, choke or have pain when swallowing food or fluids?
Often or always

Item number 5

How many pieces or servings of fruit and vegetables do you eat in a day?
Five or more

Item number 6

How much fluid do you drink in a day?
Less than two cups
Three to four cups
Five to seven cups
Eight or more cups

Item number 7

Do you eat one or more meals a day with someone?
Never or rarely
Almost always

Item number 8

Who usually prepares your meals?
Someone else cooks most of my meals (those who reported that someone else cooked their meals went on to describe their satisfaction with these meals)
I share my cooking with someone else (those who shared the cooking or did it themselves went on to describe if they found it a chore or enjoyed it)
I do

Which statement best describes meal preparation for you?
I usually find cooking a chore
I sometimes find cooking a chore
I enjoy cooking most of my meals

Which statement best describes meal preparation for you?
I'm not satisfied with the quality of the food prepared by others
I'm satisfied with the quality of the food prepared by others

Based on the Seniors in the Community Risk Evaluation for Eating and Nutrition I I – Abbreviated (SCREEN I I-AB) developed by Dr. Heather Keller of the University of Waterloo, Ontario and adapted, with permission, for computer-assisted interviewing in the CCHS-HA.

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