Table 2
Percentage who always wore helmet when cycling, by sex and selected characteristics, household population aged 12 or older who reported cycling in past 12 months, Canada, 2013/2014

Table 2
Percentage who always wore helmet when cycling, by sex and selected characteristics, household population aged 12 or older who reported cycling in past 12 months, Canada, 2013/2014
Table summary
This table displays the results of Percentage who always wore helmet when cycling. The information is grouped by Characteristic (appearing as row headers), Both sexes, Males, Females, % and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Characteristic Both sexes Males Females
% 95% confidence interval % 95% confidence interval % 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to
Total 42.0 41.2 42.8 39.1 38.1 40.1 45.8Table 2 Note  44.7 47.0
Age group  
12 to 14 47.1 44.7 49.6 46.0 42.9 49.2 48.2 44.6 51.9
15 to 17 27.9Note * 25.6 30.2 25.5Note * 22.7 28.6 31.3Note * Table 2 Note  27.9 35.0
18 to 24 25.3 23.5 27.3 23.1 20.7 25.7 28.2Table 2 Note  25.5 31.1
25 to 49 44.2Note * 42.9 45.5 39.6Note * 38.0 41.3 49.9Note * Table 2 Note  48.1 51.7
50 or older 49.3Note * 47.8 50.8 47.8Note * 45.8 49.9 51.6Table 2 Note  49.2 53.9
Household education  
Less than postsecondary graduationTable 2 Note  26.7 25.1 28.3 24.4 22.3 26.6 30.0Table 2 Note  27.2 33.0
Postsecondary graduation 45.2Note * 44.3 46.0 42.4Note * 41.3 43.6 48.7Note * Table 2 Note  47.4 50.0
Household income quintile  
Lowest 28.4 26.4 30.4 26.0 23.2 29.0 31.4Table 2 Note  28.4 34.5
Lower-middle 37.6Note * 35.6 39.7 36.2Note * 33.6 38.9 39.4Note * 36.4 42.4
Middle 41.3Note * 39.4 43.2 37.7 35.1 40.3 45.8Note * Table 2 Note  43.3 48.3
Upper-middle 45.5Note * 43.8 47.2 41.4Note * 39.2 43.6 51.0Note * Table 2 Note  48.7 53.4
Upper 50.8Note * 49.2 52.5 47.7Note * 45.5 49.9 55.6Note * Table 2 Note  53.1 58.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 45.9 40.6 51.3 44.9 37.8 52.2 47.5 39.7 55.4
Prince Edward Island 67.4Note * 61.4 72.9 64.5Note * 55.9 72.3 71.1Note * 63.1 78.0
Nova Scotia 64.3Note * 60.4 68.0 61.7Note * 56.5 66.7 67.9Note * 61.7 73.4
New Brunswick 52.5Note * 49.0 56.0 48.6Note * 43.9 53.4 58.7Note * Table 2 Note  53.2 64.0
Quebec 34.5Note * 33.0 36.1 30.8Note * 28.8 32.9 39.3 Table 2 Note  37.0 41.6
Ontario 38.2Note * 36.8 39.6 35.8Note * 34.0 37.7 41.3Note * Table 2 Note  39.4 43.2
Manitoba 31.5Note * 28.5 34.6 30.8Note * 26.9 35.1 32.5Note * 28.4 36.7
Saskatchewan 22.0Note * 19.3 25.0 20.5Note * 17.1 24.3 24.0Note * 20.0 28.5
Alberta 48.2Note * 45.5 50.9 45.4Note * 41.8 49.1 52.0Note * Table 2 Note  48.2 55.7
British Columbia 65.3Note * 63.1 67.6 61.1Note * 58.0 64.1 71.1Note * Table 2 Note  68.0 74.0
Yukon 50.5Note * 45.9 55.1 45.5 39.1 52.0 55.8Note * Table 2 Note  48.8 62.6
Northwest Territories 31.8Note * 25.0 39.5 27.6Note * 20.8 35.7 37.6 28.2 47.9
Nunavut 9.0Note * Note E: Use with caution 5.6 14.3 Note F: too unreliable to be published Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable F Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
Population centre 44.1Note * 43.2 45.0 41.2Note * 40.0 42.4 48.0Note * Table 2 Note  46.7 49.4
RuralTable 2 Note  32.4 30.9 33.9 29.3 27.6 31.2 36.2Table 2 Note  33.9 38.6
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