Appendix table A
Mean 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) event, accounting for positive family history of CVD, and number and percentage recommended for treatment, by CVD risk category, household population aged 20 to 79, Canada excluding territories, 2007 to 2011

Appendix table A
Mean 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) event and number and percentage recommended for treatment , by CVD risk category, household population aged 20 to 79, Canada excluding territories, 2007 to 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of Mean 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) event and number and percentage recommended for treatment Total, CVD risk category, High, Intermediate, Low, % or number and 95% confidence interval (appearing as column headers).
  Total CVD risk category
High Intermediate Low
% or number 95% confidence interval % or number 95% confidence interval % or number 95% confidence interval % or number 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to from to
Mean 10-year risk of CVD eventNote   
% pf total population aged 20 to 79 9.6 9.1 10.1 29.2 27.7 30.7 15.5 14.8 16.3 3.5 3.3 3.6
% of population aged 20 to 79 recommended for treatment 24.4 23.3 25.6 29.2 27.7 30.7 16.1 15.1 17.1 10.5 9.7 11.4
RecommendedNote  for treatmentNote   
Number (’000) 6,948.7 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 4,729.6 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 1,515.7 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 703.4Note E: Use with caution Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable
% of risk category 28.9 26.8 31.1 100.0 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 69.9 62.9 76.1 4.1Note E: Use with caution 2.8 6.1
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