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Wong SL, Malaison E, Hammond D, Leatherdale ST. Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Canadians: Cotinine and Self-Report Measures From the Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007-2009. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2013; 15(3): 693-700.
Kaplan MS, Huguet N, Feeny D, McFarland BH, Caetano R, Bernier J, Giesbrecht N, Oliver L, Ross N. Alcohol Use Patterns and Trajectories of Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A 14-Year Population-Based Study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2012; 73(4): 581–590.
Bushnik T, Cook JL, Yuzpe AA, et al. Estimating the prevalence of infertility in Canada. Human Reproduction 2012; 0(0): 1-9.
Carrière GM, Tjepkema M, Pennock J, Goedhuis N.Cancer patterns in Inuit Nunangat: 1998-2007. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2012; 71: 18581.
Colley RC, Janssen I, Tremblay MS. Daily step target to measure adherence to physical activity guidelines in children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2012; 44(5): 977-982.
Findlay LC, Janz TA. The health of Inuit children under age 6 in Canada. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2012; 71: 18580.
Findlay LC, Kohen DE. Neighborhood Factors and Language Outcomes of First Nations Preschoolers Living Off Reserve: Findings from the Aboriginal Children's Survey. The International Indigenous Policy Journal 2012; 3(2).
Arim R, Findlay LC, Kohen DE. Participation in Physical Activity for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. International Journal of Pediatrics 2012; doi:10.1155/2012/460384.
Sharif B, Kopec JA, Wong H, Finès P, et al. Uncertainty Analysis in Population-Based Disease Microsimulation Models. Epidemiology Research International 2012; doi:10.1155/2012/610405.
Evans WK, Wolfson M, Flanagan WM, Shin J, Goffin JR, Asakawa K, Earle C, Mittmann N, Fairclough L, Finès P, Gribble S, Hoch J, Hicks C, Omariba DWR , Ng E. The evaluation of cancer control interventions in lung cancer using the Canadian Cancer Risk Management Model. Lung Cancer Management 2012; 1(1): 25-33.
Garner RE, Feeny DH, Thompson A, Bernier J, et al. Bodyweight, gender, and quality of life: a population-based longitudinal study. Quality of Life Research 2012; 21(5): 813-25.
Arim RG, Garner RE, Brehaut JC, Lach LM, MacKenzie MJ, Rosenbaum PL, Kohen DE. Contextual influences of parenting behaviors for children with neurodevelopmental disorders: results from a Canadian national survey. Disability & Rehabilitation 2012; 34(26): 2222–2233.
Ross N, Garner R, Bernier J, et al. Trajectories of health-related quality of life by socio-economic status in a nationally representative Canadian cohort. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health 2012; 66(7): 593-8.
Guèvremont A, Kohen D. Knowledge of an Aboriginal Language and School Outcomes for Children and Adults. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 2012; 15(1): 1-27.
Adamo KB, Langlois KA, Brett KE, Colley RC. Young children and parental physical activity levels: Findings from the Canadian Health Measures Survey. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2012; 43(2): 168-175.
Owens S, De Wals P, Egeland G, Furgal C, Mao Y, Minuk GY, Peters PA, Simard M, & Dewailly É. Public health in the Canadian Arctic: contributions from international polar year research. Climatic Change 2012; 115(1): 259-281.
Crouse DL, Peters PA, van Donkelaar A, et al. Risk of non-accidental and cardiovascular mortality in relation to long-term exposure to low concentrations of fine particulate matter: A Canadian national-level cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012; 120(5): 708-714.
Peters PA. Shifting transitions: health inequalities in Inuit Nunangat in perspective. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2012; 7(1): 36-58.
Newsom JT, Huguet N, McCarthy MJ, Ramage-Morin P, Kaplan MS, Bernier J, McFarland BH, Oderkirk J. Health behaviour change following chronic illness in middle and later life. The Journals of Gerontology 2012; 67(3): 279-88.
Rowe G, Tremblay MS, Manuel DG. Can we make time for physical activity? Simulating effects of daily physical activity on mortality. Epidemiology Research International 2012; doi:10.1155/2012/304937.
Janssen I, Shields M, Craig CL, Tremblay MS. Changes in the Obesity Phenotype Within Canadian Children and Adults, 1981 to 2007-2009. Obesity 2012; 20(4): 916-9.
Craig CL, Shields M, Leblanc AG, Tremblay MS. Trends in aerobic fitness among Canadians, 1981 to 2007–2009. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2012; 37(3): 511-519.
Chaput JP, Shields M, Tremblay MS. Statistics in childhood obesity. In: Balakrishnan N, ed. Handbook of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Newark, NJ; John Wiley & Sons 2012: 385-399.
Tjepkema M, Wilkins R, Goedhuis N, Pennock J. Cardiovascular disease mortality among First Nations people in Canada, 1991–2001. Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada 2012; 32(4): 200-207.
Luo ZC, Wilkins R, Heaman M, et al. Birth outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations Inuit, and non-indigenous women by northern versus southern residence, Quebec. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2012; 66: 328-333.
Stratton J, Mowat DL, Wilkins R, Tjepkema M. Income disparities in life expectancy in the City of Toronto and Region of Peel, Ontario. Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada 2012; 32(4): 208-215.
Wilkins R, Peters PA. PCCF+ Version 5K User’s Guide. Automated geographic coding based on the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion files, including postal codes through May 2011 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82F0086-XDB) 2012.
Colley RC, Tremblay MS. Moderate and vigorous physical activity intensity cutpoints for the Actical accelerometer. Journal of Sports Sciences 2011; 29(8), 783-789.
Brehaut JC, Garner RE, Miller AR, Lach LM, Klassen AF, Rosenbaum PL, Kohen DE. Changes over time in the health of caregivers of children with health problems: Growth-curve findings from a 10-year Canadian population-based study. American Journal of Public Health 2011; 101(12): 2308-16.
Garner RE, Arim RG, Kohen DE, et al. Parenting children with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or behaviour problems. Child: Care, Health and Development 2011; doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2011.01347.x.
Whiting SJ, Langlois KA, Vatanparast H, Greene-Finestone L. The vitamin D status of Canadians relative to the 2011 Dietary Reference Intakes: an examination in children and adults with and without supplement use. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2011; 94(1): 128-35.
Omariba DWR, Ng E. Immigration, Generation and Self-rated Health in Canada: On the Role of Health Literacy. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2011; 102(4): 281-285.
Davison CM, Ford CS, Peters PA, & Hawe P. Community alcohol regulations in Canada's northern territories, 1970-2008. Health Policy 2011; 102: 34-40.
Johnstone K, Barnes T, Peters PA. Indigenous vitals: trends and measurement. Demography at the edge: remote human populations in developed nations Ashgate Publishing 2011: p. 95-106.
Cook JL, Geran L, Rotermann M. Multiple births associated with assisted human reproduction in Canada. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2011; 33(6): 609-16.
Shields M, Carroll MD, Ogden CL. Adult obesity prevalence in Canada and the United States. NCHS data brief, no 56. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2011.
Janssen I, Shields M, Craig CL, Tremblay MS. Prevalence and secular changes in abdominal obesity in Canadian adolescents and adults, 1981 to 2007–2009. Obesity Reviews 2011; 12(6): 397-405.
Tjepkema M, Wilkins R, Senécal S, et al. Mortality of urban Aboriginal adults in Canada, 1991-2001. Preventing Chronic Disease 2011; 8(1).
McAlister FA, Wilkins K, Joffres M, Leenen FHH, Fodor G, Gee M, Tremblay MS, Walker R, Johansen H, Campbell N. Changes in the rates of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Canada over the past two decades. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2011; 183(9): 1007-1013.
Wassimi S, Wilkins R, McHugh NGL, et al. Association of macrosomia with perinatal and postneonatal mortality among First Nations people in Quebec. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2011; 183(3): 322-326.
Wilkins R, Khan S. PCCF+ Version 5H User’s Guide. Automated geographic coding based on the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion files, including postal codes through October 2010 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82F0086-XDB) 2010.
Wong SL, Colley R, Connor Gorber S, Tremblay M. Actical Accelerometer Sedentary Activity Thresholds for Adults. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2011; 8: 587 -591.
Baillargeon R, Bernier J. The burden of disability in children and youths associated with impairments of psychological functions. Psychiatry Research, 2010; 177(1): 199-205.
Connor Gorber S, Tremblay MS. The bias in self-reported obesity from 1976 to 2005: A Canada – US Comparison. Obesity 2010; 18: 354-361.
Findlay LC, Kohen DE. Child care for First Nations children living off reserve, Métis children, and Inuit children. Canadian Social Trends 2010; 90: 83-91.
Smith K, Findlay L, Crompton S. Participation in sports and cultural activities among Aboriginal children and youth. Canadian Social Trends 2010; 90: 49-58.
Findlay LC, Garner RE, Kohen DE. Patterns of children's participation in unorganized physical activity. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 2010; 81(2): 133-142.
Kopec JA, Finès P, Manuel DG, Buckeridge DL, Flanagan WM, Oderkirk J, et al. Validation of population-based disease simulation models: a review of concepts and methods. BMC Public Health 2010; 10: 710.
Kopec JA, Sayre EC, Flanagan WM, Finès P, et al. Development of a population-based microsimulation model of osteoarthritis in Canada. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2010; 18(3): 303-311.
Shakur YA, Garriguet D, Corey P, O’Connor DL. Folic acid fortification above mandated levels results in a low prevalence of folate inadequacy among Canadians. American Journal of clinical nutrition 2010; 92(4): 818-825.
Johansen H, Brien SE, Finès P, Bernier J, et al. Thirty-day in-hospital revascularization and mortality rates after acute myocardial infarction in seven Canadian provinces. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2010; 26(7): e243-e248.
Dasgupta K, Khan S, Ross N. Type 2 diabetes in Canada: concentration of risk among most disadvantaged men but inverse social gradient across groups in women. Diabetic Medicine 2010;
Romano E, Kohen D, Findlay L. Associations among child care, family, and behaviour outcomes in a nation-wide sample of preschool-aged children. International Journal of Behavioral Development 2010; 34(4): 427-440.
Lipscombe LL, Austin PC, Manuel DG, et al. Income-related differences in mortality among people with diabetes mellitus. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2010; 182: E1-E17.
Ng E, Omariba DWR. Is there a healthy immigrant effect in mental health? Evidences from population-based health surveys in Canada. Canadian Issues: Immigrant Mental Health 2010: 23-28.
Ng E. Using Canada’s Health Data. Health Policy Research Bulletin: Migration Health 2010: 17; 47-49.
Omariba DWR. Neighbourhood characteristics, individual attributes and self-rated health among older Canadians. Health & Place 2010; 16: 986-995.
Omariba DWR, Boyle MH. Rural-urban migration and cross-national variation in infant mortality in less developed countries. Population Research and Policy Review 2010; 29(3): 275.
Orpana HM, Berthelot J-M, Kaplan MS, Feeny DH, McFarland B, Ross NA. BMI and Mortality: Results From a National Longitudinal Study of Canadian Adults. Obesity 2010; 18(1): 214-218.
Fuller-Thomson E, Rotermann M, Ray JG. Elevated risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes among Filipina-Canadian women. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2010; 32(2): 113-119.
Shields M, Tremblay MS. Canadian childhood obesity estimates based on WHO, IOTF and CDC cut-points. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 2010; 5(3): 265-73.
Tjepkema M, Wilkins R, Senécal S, et al. Mortality of urban Aboriginal adults in Canada, 1991-2001. Chronic Diseases in Canada 2010; 31(1): 4-21.
Mustard CA, Bielecky A, Etches J, Wilkins R, Tjepkema M, et al. Avoidable mortality for causes amenable to medical care, by occupation in Canada, 1991-2001. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2010; 101(6): 500-6.
Luo ZC, Wilkins R, Heaman M, et al. Birth outcomes and infant mortality by the degree of rural isolation among First Nations and non-First Nations in Manitoba. Journal of Rural Health. 2010; 26(2): 175-81.
Luo ZC, Senécal S, Simonet F, Guimond E, Penney C, Wilkins R. Birth outcomes in Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2010; 182: 235-242.
Wilkins R. PCCF+ Version 5F User’s Guide. Automated geographic coding based on the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion files, including postal codes through July 2009 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82F0086-XDB) 2010.
Mustard CA, Bielecky A, Etches J, Wilkins R, Tjepkema M, et al. Suicide mortality by occupation in Canada, 1991-2001. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 55(6): 369-76.
Connor Gorber S, Schofield-Hurwitz S, Hardt J, et al. The accuracy of self-reported smoking: A systematic review of the relationship between self-reported and cotinine-assessed smoking status. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2009 11(1): 12-24.
Connor Gorber S, Tremblay MS. The bias in self-reported obesity from 1976 to 2005: A Canada – US Comparison. Obesity 2009; doi: 10.1038/oby.2009.206.
Adamo KB, Prince SA, Tricco AC, Connor Gorber S, et al. A comparison of indirect vs. direct measures for assessing physical activity in the pediatric population: a systematic review. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 2009; 4(1): 2-27.
Prince SA, Adamo K, Hamel ME, Hardt J, Connor Gorber S, et al. A comparison of direct versus self-report measures for assessing physical activity in adults: a systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2009, 4(1): 2-27.
Findlay LC, Garner RE, Kohen DE. Children’s organized physical activity patterns from childhood into adolescence. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2009; 6: 708-715.
Campbell N, Brant R, Johansen H, et al. Increases in antihypertensive prescriptions and reduction in cardiovascular events in Canada. Hypertension 2009; 53: 128-134.
Jackevicius CA, Cox JL, Carreon D, Tu JV, Rinfret S, So D, Johansen H, et al. Long-term trends in use of and expenditures for cardiovascular medications in Canada. CMJA 2009; 181(1-2): E19-E28.
Tu JV, Nardi L, Fang J, Liu J, Khalid L, Johansen H. National trends in rates of death and hospital admissions related to acute myocardial infarction, heart failure and stroke, 1994–2004. CMJA 2009; 180(13): E120-E7.
Kohen D, Oliver L, Pierre F. Examining the effects of schools and neighbourhoods on the outcomes of Kindergarten children in Canada. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2009; 11(5): 404-418.
Brehaut JC, Kohen DE, Garner RE, et al. Health among caregivers of children with health problems: Findings from a Canadian population-based study. American Journal of Public Health 2009; 99(7): 1254-1262.
Lach LM, Kohen DE, Garner RE, et al. The health and psychosocial functioning of caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Disability & Rehabilitation 2009; 31(8): 607- 618.
McGrail K, van Doorslaer E, Ross N, Sanmartin C. Income-related health inequalities in Canada and the United States: A decomposition analysis. American Journal of Public Health 2009; doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.129361.
Oliver L, Findlay L, McIntosh C, Kohen D. Evaluation of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Aboriginal Children’s Survey 2006 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 89-634-X, no. 8) 2009.
Oliver L, Kohen D. Neighbourhood income gradients in hospitalisations due to motor vehicle traffic incidents among Canadian children. Injury Prevention 2009; 15; 163-169.
Omariba DWR, Boyle MH. Rural-urban migration and cross-national variation in infant mortality in less developed countries. Population Research and Policy Review 2009; doi: 10.1007/s11113-009-9140-y.
Orpana HM, Berthelot J-M, Kaplan MS, Feeny DH, McFarland B, Ross NA. BMI and Mortality: Results From a National Longitudinal Study of Canadian Adults. Obesity 2009; doi:10.1038/oby.2009.191.
Fortier M, Kowal J, Lemyre L, Orpana HM. Intentions and actual physical activity behavior change in a community-based sample of middle aged women: Contributions from the Theory of Planned Behavior and Self-Determination Theory. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Physiology 2009; 7(1): 46-67.
Schuurman N, Peters PA, Oliver LN. Are Obesity and Physical Activity Clustered? A Spatial Analysis Linked to Residential Density. Obesity 2009; doi:10.1038/oby.2009.119.
Peters PA. Causes and contributions to differences in life expectancy for Inuit Nunangat and Canada, 1994-2003. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2009; 69(1): 38-49.
Rotermann M, McKay A. Condom use at last sexual intercourse among unmarried, not living common-law 20- to 34-year-old Canadian young adults. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 2009; 18 (3): 75-87.
Han A, Rotermann M, Fuller-Thomson E, Ray JG. Pre-conceptional folic acid supplement use according to maternal country of birth. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2009; 31(3): 222-226.
Blackwell DL, Martinez ME, Gentleman JF, Sanmartin C, Berthelot JM. Socioeconomic Status and Utilization of Health Care Services in Canada and the United States. Medical Care 2009; 47(12):
Wilkins K, Shields M. Employer-provided support services and job dissatisfaction in Canadian registered nurses. Nursing Research 2009; 58(4): 255-263.
Wilkins R, Tjepkema M, Mustard C, Choinière R. The Canadian census mortality follow-up study, 1991 through 2001, summary. Ottawa: Canadian Population Health Initiative, Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2009. ISBN 978-1-55465-483-3.
Kramer MS, Wilkins R, Séguin L, Goulet L, Lydon J, Kahn S, et al. Investigating causal pathways underlying socioeconomic disparities in preterm birth: evidence for selective study participation and selection bias. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2009; 23: 301-309.
Hwang SW, Wilkins R, Tjepkema M, O’Campo PJ, Dunn JR. Mortality among residents of shelters, rooming houses, and hotels in Canada: 11 year follow-up study. British Medical Journal 2009; 339:b4036
Birken CS, Parkin PC, To T, Wilkins R, Macarthur C. Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Homicides Among Children in Urban Canada. Pediatrics 2009; 123: e815-e819.
Wilkins R. PCCF+ Version 5D User's Guide. Automated Geographic Coding Based on the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion Files, Including Postal Codes through September 2008 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82F0086-XDB) 2009.
Wilkins R. PCCF+ Version 5E User's Guide. Automated Geographic Coding Based on the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion Files, Including Postal Codes through March 2009 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82F0086-XDB) 2009.
Simonet F, Wilkins R, Labranche E, et al. Primary birthing attendants and birth outcomes in remote Inuit communities – a natural “experiment” in Nunavik, Canada. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2009; 63:546-551.
Connor Gorber S, Tremblay M, Campbell N, Hardt J. The accuracy of self-reported hypertension; a systematic review and meta-analysis. Current Hypertension Reviews 2008; 4(1): 36-62.
Probert A, Tremblay MS, Connor Gorber S. Desk potatoes - The importance of occupational physical activity on health. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2008; 99(4): 311-318.
Garner R, Bushnik T. The children of older first-time mothers in Canada: Their health and development. Genus 2008; 64(3-4):63-81.
Bushnik T, Garner R. The children of older first-time mothers in Canada: Their health and development. Children and Youth Research Paper Series (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 89-599-MWE2008005) 2008.
Jackevicius CA, Tu JV, Demers V, Melo M, Cox J, Rinfret S, Kalavrouziotis D, Johansen H, et al. Cardiovascular outcomes after a change in prescription policy for clopidogrel. New England Journal of Medicine 2008; 359(17): 1802-1810.
Demers V, Melo M, Jackevicius C, Cox J, Kalavrouziotis D, Rinfret S, Humphries KH, Johansen H, et al. Comparison of provincial prescription drug plans and the impact on patients' annual drug expenditures. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2008; 178: 405-409.
Kwong JC, Stukel TA, Lim J, McGeer AJ, Upshur REG, Johansen H, Sambell C, Thompson WW, Thiruchelvam D, Marra F, Svenson LW, Manuel DG. The effect of universal influenza immunization on mortality and health care use. PLoS Medicine 2008; 5(10).
Kohen D, Dahinten VS, Khan S, Hertzman C. Child care in Quebec: Access to a universal program. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2008; 99(6): 451-455.
Miller A, Kohen D, Johnston C. Child characteristics and receipt of stimulant medications: a population-based study. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2008; 8(3): 175-181.
Brehaut JC, Kohen DE, Garner RE, Miller AR,Lach LM, Klassen AF, Rosenbaum PL. Health among caregivers of children with health problems: Findings from a Canadian population-based study.American Journal of Public Health2008; doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.129817.
KohenDE, Leventhal T, Dahinten VS, McIntosh CN. Neighborhood disadvantage: Pathways of effects for young children. Child Development 2008; 79(1): 156-169.
McIntosh CN, Kohen DE. Development of a School Readiness Index for Canadian Preschoolers: A Methodological Report and Time Series Analysis. Commissioned for the Canadian Council on Learning 2008.
McGrail K. Income-related inequities: Cross-sectional analyses of the use of medicare services in British Columbia in 1992 and 2002. Open Medicine 2008; 2(3): E3-10.
Pottie K, Ng E, Spitzer D, Mohammed A, Glazier R. Language proficiency, gender and self-reported health: An analysis of the first two waves of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2008; 99(6): 505-510.
Oliver LN, Hayes MV. Effects of neighbourhood income on reported body mass index: an eight year longitudinal study of Canadian children. BMC Public Health 2008; 8:16.
Omariba DWR, Rajulton F, Beaujot R. Correlated mortality of siblings in Kenya: The role of state dependence. Demographic Research 2008; 18(11): 311-336.
Lee JEC, Lemyre L, Turner MC, Orpana H, et al. Health risk perceptions as mediators of socioeconomic differentials in health behaviour. Journal of Health Psychology 2008; 13(8): 1082-1091.
Orpana H M. Using the National Population Health Survey to identify factors associated with patterns of psychological distress over 10 years. Healthcare Policy 2008; 3(4): 55-65.
Kaplan M, Huguet N, Orpana H, Feeny D, McFarland B, Ross N. Who thrives in older adulthood? Results of a decade-long national prospective study. The Journals of Gerontology 2008; 63A(10): 1097-1104.
Sanmartin C, Murphy K, Choptain N, et al. Appropriateness of healthcare interventions: Concepts and scoping of the published literature. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Healthcare 2008; 24(3): 342-349.
Connor-Spady B, Sanmartin C, Geoffrey G, et al. Willingness of patients to change surgeons for a shorter waiting time for joint arthroplasty. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2008; 179(4): 327-332. Shields M, Connor Gorber S, Tremblay MS. Associations between obesity and morbidity: effects of measurement methods. Obesity Reviews 2008; 9(5): 501-502.
McIntyre RS, Wilkins K, Gilmour H, et al. The effect of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder on workplace function. Chronic Diseases in Canada 2008; 28(3): 84-91.
Luo ZC, Wilkins R. Degree of rural isolation and birth outcomes. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2008; 22(4): 341-349.
Kierans WJ, Joseph KS, Luo ZC, Platt R, Wilkins R, Kramer MS. Does one size fit all? The case for ethnic-specific standards of fetal growth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2008; 8:1.
Wilkins R. PCCF+ Version 5C User’s Guide. Automated geographic coding based on the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion files, including postal codes through March 2008 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82F0086-XDB) 2008.
Tremblay MS, Connor Gorber S. Canadian Health Measures Survey: Brief Overview. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2007; 98(6): 453-456.
Connor Gorber S, Tremblay M, Moher D, Gorber B. A comparison of direct versus self-report measures for assessing height, weight and body mass index: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews 2007; 8(4): 307-326.
Esliger DW,Probert A, Connor Gorber S, et al.Validity of Actical Accelerometer Step-Count Function. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2007; 39(7): 1200-1204.
Findlay LC, KohenDE. Aboriginal children’s sport participation in Canada. Pimatisiwin, A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health 2007; 5(1) : 185-206.
Finès P, Wilkins R, Courteau JP, Berthelot JM. Analyse de la relation entre le revenu et la mortalité: un commentaire méthodologique. Cahiers Québécois de Démographie 2007; 36(1): 129-142.
Boswell-Purdy J, Flanagan WM, Roberge H, et al. Population health impact of cancer in Canada, 2001 Chronic Diseases in Canada. 2007; 28(1-2): 42-55.
Birnie DH, Sambell C, Johansen H, et al. Use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in Canadian and US survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.Canadian Medical Association Journal 2007; 177: 41-46.
Kaplan MS, Berthelot JM, Feeny D, McFarland BH, Khan S, Orpana H. The predictive validity of health-related quality of life measures: mortality in a longitudinal population-based study. Quality of Life Research 2007; 16(9): 1539-1546.
Kohen D, Uppal S,Guèvremont A. Children with disabilities and the educational system: a provincial perspective. Education Matters (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 81-004) 2007; 4(1).
Kohen D, Brehaut JC, Garner R, et al. Conceptualizing childhood health problems using survey data: A comparison of key indicators. BMC Pediatrics 2007; 7:40.
Uppal S, Kohen D, Khan S. Educational services and the disabled child. Education Matters (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 81-004-XIE) 2007; 3(5).
Guèvremont A, Kohen D. The health of Inuit children: Report and fact sheet. Inuit in Canada: Findings from the Aboriginal Peoples Survey – Survey of living conditions in the Arctic. Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 89-627-XPE).
McIntosh CN, Connor Gorber S, Bernier J andBerthelot JM. Eliciting Canadian population preferences for health states using the Classification and Measurement System of Functional Health (CLAMES). Chronic Diseases in Canada 2007; 28(1-2): 29-41.
McIntosh CN. Rethinking fit assessment in structural equation modeling. Personality and Individual Differences 2007; 42(5): 859-867.
Oliver LN, Dunn JR, KohenDE, Hertzman C. Do neighbourhoods influence the readiness to learn of kindergarten children in Vancouver? A multilevel analysis of neighbourhood effects. Environment and Planning 2007; 39(4): 848-868.
Omariba DWR, Beaujot R, Rajulton F. Determinants of infant and child mortality in Kenya: An analysis controlling for frailty effects. Population Research & Policy Review 2007; 26(3): 299-321.
Omariba DWR, Boyle MH. Family structure and child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: Cross-national effects of polygyny. Journal of Marriage and the Family 2007; 69(2): 528-543.
Snelling D, Omariba DWR, Hong S, et al. HIV/AIDS knowledge, women’s education, epidemic severity and protective sexual behaviour in low and middle income countries. Journal of Biosocial Science 2007; 39(3): 421-442.
Butler GP, Orpana HM, Wiens AJ. By your own two feet: The sociodemographics of active transportation in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2007; 98(4): 259-264.
Orpana HM, Lemyre L, Kelly S. Do stressors explain the association between income and declines in self-rated health? A longitudinal analysis of the National Population Health Survey. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2007; 14(1): 40-47
Ross NA, Tremblay S, Khan S, et al. Body mass index in urban Canada : Neighbourhood and metropolitan area effects. American Journal of Public Health. 2007; 97: 500-508.
Conner-Spady BL, Johnston GH, Sanmartin C, et al. A bird can’t fly on one wing: Patient views on waiting for hip and knee replacement surgery. Health Expectations 2007; 10(2): 108-116.
Sanmartin C, Berthelot JM, McIntosh C. Determinants of unacceptable waiting times for specialized services in Canada. Healthcare Policy 2007; 2(3).
Conner-Spady B, Sanmartin C, Sanmugasunderam S,et al. A systematic literature review of the evidence on benchmarks for cataract surgery waiting time. Canadian Journal of Opthalmology 2007; 42(4): 543-551.
Uppal S, Kohen D, Khan S. Educational services and the disabled child. Education Matters (Statistics Canada., Catalogue 81-004) 2007; 3(5).
Wilkins K, McLeod F, Shields M. Nurses’ work and health: New findings. Health Policy and Research Bulletin (Health Canada) 2007; 13: 17-20.
McIntyre RS, McElroy SL, Konarski JZ, Soczynska JK, Wilkins K, et al. Problem gambling in bipolar disorder: Results from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Journal of Affective Disorders 2007; 102(1-3): 27-34.
McIntyre RS, McElroy SL, Konarski JZ, Soczynska JK, Bottas A, Castel S, Wilkins K, et al. Substance use disorders and overweight/obesity in bipolar I disorder: Preliminary evidence for competing addictions. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2007; 68: 1352-1357.
James PD, Wilkins R, Detsky AS, et al. Avoidable mortality by neighbourhood income in Canada: 25 years after the establishment of universal health insurance. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2007; 61: 287-296.
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Wilkins R. PCCF+ Version 4H User’s Guide. Automated geographic coding based on the Statistics Canada Postal Code Conversion files, including postal codes to March 2006 (Statistics Canada, Catalogue 82F0086-XDB) 2006.
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