Table 2
Item structure for language outcomes and means for Aboriginal Children's Survey, household population aged 2 to 5, Canada, 2006

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Table 2
Item structure for language outcomes and means for Aboriginal Children's Survey, household population aged 2 to 5, Canada, 2006
Table summary
This table displays the results of item structure for language outcomes and means for aboriginal children's survey. The information is grouped by subscale/item (appearing as row headers), mean score, standard error and range (appearing as column headers).
Subscale/Item Mean score Standard error     Range
Expressive language 15.07 0.02 1 to 16
How often does the child express his/her needs using full sentences?
How often does the child express his/her needs using 2 or 3 words?
How often does the child express his/her needs using a single word?
How often does the child express his/her needs using sounds other than crying?
Mutual understanding 4.50 0.01 1 to 5
How often can other people understand what he/she is saying?
How often does the child understand you when you speak to him/her?
How often can you understand what he/she is saying?
Story-telling 0.84 0.00 0 to 1
Has the child ever told or retold a story using his/her own words?
Has the child ever drawn a picture and then told a story about what he/she had drawn?
Source: 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey.