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1. Canadian Council on Learning. The State of Learning in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Learning, 2007.

2. Minister of Public Works and Government Services. Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities: Program and Participants 2001.  Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2002.

3. Findlay LC, Janz T. Health of First Nations children living off-reserve and Metis children younger than age 6. Health Reports 2012; 23(1): 31-9.

4. Findlay LC, Janz T. The health of Inuit children under age 6 in Canada. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2012; 71.

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17. Smylie J. Indigeneous Children's Health Report: Health Assessment in Action. Toronto: Keenan Research Centre, 2009.

18. Ball J. Aboriginal Young Children's Language and Literacy Development: Research Evaluating Progress, Promising Practices, and Needs. Ottawa: Canadian Language and Literacy Networked Centre of Excellence, 2007.

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20. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. Summative Evaluation of the Understanding the Early Years Initiative. Gatineau, Quebec: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, 2011.

21. Ball J, Lewis M. Talking points: What can speech-language partners contribute to Aboriginal early childhood development?In: St. Aubin C, ed.  Compendium on Aboriginal Early Child Development.  Ottawa: Canadian Child Care Federation, 2005.

22. Gould J. Non-standard assessment practices in the evaluation of communication in Australian Aboriginal children. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2007; 22(8): 643-57.

23. Bernhardt B, Ball J, Deby J. Cross-cultural issues in assessment of phonology. In: McLeod S, ed.The International Guide to Speech Acquisition. Albany, New York: Delmar Thomson Learning, 2007.

24. Bernacki Jonk,L. Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Mothers' Views on Language Acquisition. Winnipeg, Manitoba: University of Manitoba, 2009.

25. Dunn LM, Dunn L. Examiners Manual for the PPVT-3: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Third Edition. Circle Pines, Minnesota: American Guidance Service, 1997.

26. Gardner MF. Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised. Novato, California: Academic Therapy, 1990.

27. Ball J, Janyst P. Screening and Assessment of Indigenous Children: Community-University Partnered Research Findings. Policy brief presented at Early Years Policy Forum. Vancouver: 2008.

28. Pesco D. Language socialization in Canadian Aboriginal communities. In: Duff PA, Hornberger NH, eds.Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 8: Language Socialization. New York: Springer Science and Business Media, 2008: 273-85.

29. Norris MJ. Canada's Aboriginal languages. Canadian Social Trends 1998; 51: 16.

30. Johnston JR, Wong MYA. Cultural differences in beliefs and practices concerning talk to children. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 2002; 45: 916-26.

31. Simmons N, Johnston JR. Cross-cultural difference in beliefs and practices that affect the language spoken to children: Mothers with Indian and Western heritage. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2007; 42: 445-65.

32. Statistics Canada.  Aboriginal Children's Survey, 2006: Concepts and Methods Guide. Ottawa: Minister of Industry, 2008.

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34. Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. Using Multivariate Statistics. Fourth Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001.

35. Hayton JC, Allen DG, Scarpello V. Factor retention decisions in Exploratory Factor Analysis: A tutorial on parallel analysis. Organizational Research Methods 2004; 7(2): 191-205.

36. Bentler PM. Comparative fit indexes in structural models. Psychological Bulletin 1990; 107: 238-46.

37. Tucker LR, Lewis C. A reliability coefficient for maximum likelihood factor analysis. Psychometrica 1973; 38: 1-10.

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39. Hu L, Bentler PM. Cut-off criteria for fit indices in conventional criteria versus new alternative. Structural Equation Modelling 1999; 6: 1-55.

40. Lloyd JEV, Hertzman C. How neighborhoods matter for rural and urban children's language and cognitive development at kindergarten and grade 4. Journal of Community Psychology 2010; 38(3): 293-313.

41. Duncan GJ, Brooks-Gunn J, Klebanov PK. Economic deprivation and early childhood development. Child Development 1994; 65: 296-318.

42. Braves MF, Brunetti GJ, Slater WH. The reading vocabularies of primary-grade children of varying geographic and social backgrounds. In: Harris JA and Harris LA, eds. New Inquiries in Reading Research and Instruction. Rochester, New York: National Reading Conference, 1982: 99-104.

43. Magnuson K, Sexton H, Davis-Kean P, Huston A. Increases in maternal education and young children's language skills. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 2009; 55: 319-50.

44. Rust K, Rao JNK. Variance estimation for complex surveys using replication techniques. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1996; 5: 281-310.

45. Crago M. Development of communicative competence in Inuit children: Implications for speech language pathology. Communication Disorders Quarterly 1990; 13: 73-83.

46. Eriks-Brophy A, Quittenbaum J, Anderson D, Nelson T. Part of the problem or part of the solution? Communication assessments of Aboriginal children residing in remote communities using videoconferencing. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2008; 22: 589-609.