Table 1
Number and percentage of seniors receiving home care, by selected characteristics, household population aged 65 or older, Canada, 2009

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Table 1
Number and percentage of seniors receiving home care, by selected characteristics, household population aged 65 or older, Canada, 2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of number and percentage of seniors receiving home care. The information is grouped by characteristics (appearing as row headers), total, men, women, number ('000), % and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Characteristics Total Men Women
Number ('000) % 95% confidence interval Number ('000) % 95% confidence interval Number ('000) % 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to
Total 1,070 24.5 23.5 25.6 352 17.9 16.5 19.3 718 30.0Note  28.6 31.4
Age group (years)  
65 to 74Note  363 15.1 13.9 16.4 134 11.7 10.1 13.4 229 18.2Note  16.5 20.2
75 to 84 442 30.1Note * 28.4 31.9 142 21.9Note * 19.5 24.5 300 36.6Note *Note  34.2 39.0
85 or older 265 54.0Note * 51.3 56.7 76 44.1Note * 39.8 48.5 189 59.4Note *Note  56.1 62.5
Living arrangements  
Alone 425 33.3Note * 31.7 35.0 80 23.6Note * 20.9 26.4 345 36.9Note *Note  34.9 38.9
With othersNote  644 20.9 19.6 22.3 271 16.7 15.1 18.3 373 25.6Note  23.6 27.6
Main source of income  
Social assistance/Old Age Security/ Guaranteed Income Supplement 270 31.2Note * 29.1 33.4 72 23.9Note * 20.4 27.9 198 35.1Note *Note  32.4 37.8
OtherNote  719 22.5 21.3 23.7 259 16.6 15.2 18.1 460 28.1Note  26.4 29.9
Personal care limitation  
NoneNote  829 20.3 19.3 21.3 274 14.6 13.4 15.8 555 25.1Note  23.6 26.5
Some 212 88.2Note * 85.0 90.8 68 84.3Note * 78.3 88.8 143 90.2Note * 86.2 93.2
Severe 27 93.0Note * 79.5 97.8 8 84.9Note * 53.8 96.5 19 96.9 89.2 99.2
Mobility limitation  
NoneNote  935 22.3 21.3 23.3 321 16.6 15.4 18.0 614 27.0Note  25.6 28.5
Some 117 79.1Note * 73.6 83.8 26 68.9Note * 54.1 80.6 91 82.6Note * 76.5 87.3
Severe 18 96.3Note * 87.5 99.0 5 94.4Note * 78.0 98.8 13 97.2Note * 82.3 99.6
Health Utility Index  
No or mild disabilityNote  270 11.5 10.5 12.6 89 8.0 7.0 9.1 181 14.7Note  13.2 16.4
Moderate disability 226 26.6Note * 24.1 29.1 79 21.1Note * 17.8 24.9 147 30.9Note *Note  27.6 34.3
Severe disability 516 49.7Note * 47.3 52.0 164 38.6Note * 34.7 42.6 352 57.3Note *Note  54.5 60.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 13 17.7Note * 15.3 20.4 4 12.5Note * 9.4 16.4 8 22.1Note *Note  19.0 25.6
Prince Edward Island 5 24.1 20.5 28.1 2 18.5 14.1 23.9 3 28.7Note  23.8 34.2
Nova Scotia 37 27.0 24.1 30.1 12 20.1 16.3 24.5 25 32.5Note  28.6 36.7
New Brunswick 31 28.5Note * 25.6 31.6 11 23.7Note * 20.0 27.8 19 32.5Note  28.4 36.8
Quebec 242 22.2Note * 20.1 24.5 80 16.6 14.0 19.6 163 26.6Note *Note  23.8 29.7
Ontario 448 26.7Note * 24.8 28.6 143 18.9 16.4 21.7 305 33.1Note *Note  30.5 35.7
Manitoba 43 28.6Note * 25.5 32.0 15 21.7 17.9 26.1 29 34.1Note  30.0 38.5
Saskatchewan 33 23.8 21.0 26.8 10 16.7 13.7 20.3 22 29.5Note  25.2 34.1
Alberta 80 22.5 19.5 25.7 27 16.2 12.7 20.5 53 27.8Note  23.9 32.2
British Columbia 138 22.5 20.3 25.0 48 16.6 13.8 19.9 91 27.7Note  24.3 31.5
reference category; for province, reference category is all other provinces
* significantly different from reference category (p<0.05)
significantly different from men (p<0.05)
Source: 2009 Canadian Community Health Survey—Healthy Aging.