Table 1
Prevalence of positive self-perceived health, loneliness and life dissatisfaction, by selected characteristics, household population aged 65 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2008/2009

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Table summary
This table displays the results of prevalence of positive self-perceived health. The information is grouped by characteristics (appearing as row headers), positive self-perceived health, loneliness and life dissatisfaction (appearing as column headers).
Characteristics Positive self-perceived health Loneliness Life dissatisfaction
Total 76.5 19.6 17.0
Number of frequent social activities  
NoneNote 63.1 29.0 27.8
One 71.3Note * 20.2Note * 21.2Note *
Two 78.5Note * 18.1Note * 15.2Note *
Three 84.0Note * 17.0Note * 13.0Note *
Four 86.2Note * 14.3Note * 10.0Note *
Five 88.3Note * 14.5Note * 6.6Note *
Six or more 89.6Note * 12.8Note * 5.7Note E: Use with cautionNote *
Age group  
65 to 74Note 80.3 18.7 15.3
75 to 84 73.2Note * 19.5 18.1Note *
85 or older 67.7Note * 25.1Note * 22.7Note *
MenNote 76.7 14.2 16.4
Women 76.3 24.1Note * 17.5
Household income  
LowestNote 69.0 24.3 23.2
Low-middle 77.6Note * 20.1Note * 15.5Note *
Middle 82.4Note * 16.6Note * 13.4Note *
High-middle 85.6Note * 14.1Note * 9.1Note *
Highest 86.6Note * 12.0Note * 10.4Note *
Less than secondary graduationNote 69.1 22.0 21.4
Secondary graduation 80.2Note * 18.8Note * 15.1Note *
Some postsecondary 80.7Note * 18.8 16.0Note *
Postsecondary graduation 82.7Note * 17.7Note * 13.1Note *
Retirement status  
RetiredNote 75.4 21.0 17.6
Not completely retired 88.4Note * 14.4Note * 11.6Note *
NoneNote 94.6 8.8 6.3
Mild 89.6Note * 13.1Note * 8.1
Moderate 74.4Note * 23.6Note * 18.7Note *
Severe 50.3Note * 32.2Note * 35.7Note *
Risk behaviours  
NoneNote 88.2 15.6 9.5
One 71.4Note * 21.3Note * 20.3Note *
Two 62.5Note * 24.5Note * 26.3Note *
Three 58.3Note * 35.1Note E: Use with cautionNote * 30.4Note E: Use with caution
Social support  
Low positive social interactionNote 71.2 37.3 26.4
High positive social interaction 80.4Note * 10.7Note * 12.0Note *
Low tangibleNote 71.7 33.7 24.1
High tangible 79.3Note * 12.0Note * 13.2Note *
Low emotional/InformationalNote 72.1 32.7 24.0
High emotional/Informational 79.5Note * 11.6Note * 12.7Note *
Low affectionNote 71.2 34.0 25.2
High affection 79.7Note * 11.7Note * 12.5Note *
reference group
* significantly different from reference group (p<0.05)
E interpret with caution
Source: 2008/2009 Canadian Community Health Survey—Healthy Aging.