Table 2
Age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR) per 100,000 person-years at risk, by sex, population aged 1 to 19, Canada, Inuit Nunangat, and Inuit subregions, 1994 to 1998 and 2004 to 2008

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Table 2
Age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR) per 100,000 person-years at risk, by sex, population aged 1 to 19, Canada,† Inuit Nunangat, and Inuit subregions, 1994 to 1998 and 2004 to 2008
Sex/Years Canada Inuit Nunangat Nunavut Nunavik Nunatsiavut
ASMR 95% confidence interval ASMR 95% confidence interval ASMR 95% confidence interval ASMR 95% confidence interval ASMR 95% confidence interval
from to from to from to from to from to
Both sexes  
1994 to 1998 44.7 44.0 45.4 210.1 182.6 241.7 211.2 176.3 252.9 262.4 200.1 344.1 248.7 147.2 420.1
2004 to 2008 35.3 34.7 35.9 188.0 163.9 215.7 152.5 125.3 185.6 307.8 245.3 386.3 269.1 177.9 407.0
1994 to 1998 53.2 52.2 54.2 258.2 215.9 308.8 233.7 183.4 297.7 377.1 274.0 519.1 324.0 168.5 623.0
2004 to 2008 41.7 40.7 42.6 244.5 206.6 289.5 210.4 166.7 265.7 366.9 274.6 490.3 348.8 209.0 582.1
1994 to 1998 35.7 34.9 36.6 161.2 128.6 202.0 188.2 143.7 246.6 146.4 87.8 244.0 173.9 72.3 418.8
2004 to 2008 28.6 27.8 29.4 129.5 102.2 164.2 91.8 63.7 132.3 247.1 171.5 356.1 187.2 92.1 380.5
excludes residents of Inuit Nunangat
Note: Because of small numbers, rates were not calculated for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
Source: Custom population estimates, Demography Division; Vital Statistics Database.