Table 1
Selected characteristics of study sample, by language of interview, household population aged 55 or older, Canada excluding territories, 1998/1999

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  Language of interview
English (n = 2,642) French (n = 489)
Number Percent Number Percent
Men 1,020 43.6 198 40.3
Women 1,622 56.5 291 59.7
Marital status*
Married/Common-law/Living with partner 1,383 65.1 258 58.1
Single 160 4.4 37 6.5
Widowed/Separated/Divorced 1,099 30.5 194 35.4
Lowest 131 3.7 23 4.4
Lower-middle 477 12.9 125 23.5
Middle income 945 35.4 198 41.8
Upper-middle 677 33.5 88 24.0
Highest 236 14.6 19 6.3
Less than secondary graduation 1,195 39.6 301 59.4
Secondary graduation 328 13.0 55 11.8
Some postsecondary 539 21.7 56 11.9
Postsecondary graduation 578 25.8 77 16.9
weighted estimates
* significant differences between English- and French-speaking respondents
Source: 1998/1999 National Population Health Suvey, household component.