Table 1
Incident cases of female breast cancer, age-standardized incidence rates, and rate ratios, by age group and neighborhood income quintile, Canada, 1992 to 2004

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Age group (years)/ Neighbourhood income quintile Number of cases Age-standardized incidence rate (per 100,000) Rate ratio
% 95% confidence interval
from to
Total 19 or older
1 (lowest) 44,138 114.21 0.85 0.84 0.86
2 45,671 119.69 0.89 0.88 0.90
3 44,693 117.70 0.92 0.91 0.93
4 44,544 117.47 0.95 0.94 0.96
5 (highest) 47,943 128.00 1.00
19 to 39
1 (lowest) 2,247 10.25 0.75* 0.72 0.78
2 2,396 11.39 0.83* 0.80 0.87
3 2,631 12.47 0.91* 0.88 0.95
4 2,759 13.04 0.96 0.93 1.00
5 (highest) 2,709 13.58 1.00
40 to 49
1 (lowest) 6,631 129.91 0.93* 0.91 0.95
2 7,486 135.35 0.97* 0.95 0.99
3 7,830 132.42 0.95* 0.93 0.97
4 8,431 133.62 0.96* 0.94 0.98
5 (highest) 9,474 141.19 1.00
50 to 59
1 (lowest) 9,032 238.98 0.91* 0.90 0.93
2 9,777 239.92 0.93* 0.91 0.94
3 10,193 242.03 0.94* 0.92 0.96
4 11,010 252.57 0.99 0.97 1.01
5 (highest) 12,082 255.50 1.00
60 to 69
1 (lowest) 9,944 305.13 0.85* 0.84 0.87
2 10,524 317.57 0.90* 0.88 0.92
3 10,168 323.12 0.93* 0.91 0.94
4 9,970 333.11 0.96* 0.94 0.97
5 (highest) 10,439 347.72 1.00
70 or older
1 (lowest) 16,284 354.60 0.80* 0.79 0.82
2 15,488 368.32 0.85* 0.84 0.86
3 13,871 385.12 0.89* 0.88 0.91
4 12,384 397.29 0.92* 0.90 0.94
5 (highest) 13,239 431.94 1.00*
reference category is highest neighbourhood income quintile (5)
* significantly different from reference category
… not applicable
Source: Canadian Cancer Registry; 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006 Census of Canada.