Table 4
Percentage whose pain interferes with most activities, by intensity of pain, household and institutional populations aged 65 or older, Canada excluding territories, 2005 (households) and 1996/1997 (institutions)

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  Households Institutions
% %
Total with pain 21.8 42.3
Intensity of pain
Mild 6.7E 15.1E
Moderate 19.1* 42.7*
Severe 52.7* 63.8*
significantly different from estimate for institutional population (p < 0.05)
* significantly different from estimate for "Mild" (p < 0.05)
E use with caution (coefficient of variation between 16.6% and 33.3%)
Note: Percentages based on people reporting chronic pain.
Data sources: 2005 Canadian Community Health Survey; 1996/1997 National Population Health Survey, cross-sectional sample, Health Institutions component.
Table source: Statistics Canada, 2008, "Chronic pain in Canadian seniors", Health Reports, Vol. 19 No. 1, catalogue number 82-003-XWE.