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- In 2009/2010, there were 44,423 full-time faculty at Canadian degree-granting institutions. Of these, 14,718 (33%) were full professors, 14,941 (34%) were associate professors,10,591 (24%) were assistant professors and 4,173 (9%) were unranked.
- Between 2008/2009 and 2009/2010, the number of full-time teaching staff at Canadian degree-granting institutions increased by 1.5%.
- Between 2008/2009 and 2009/2010, the number of full professors increased by 2.3%, associate professors, by 3.6% and "rank below assistant" by 16.6%. The number of assistant professors decreased by 4.5%.
- In 2009/2010, women accounted for one third of full-time teaching staff, compared to less than 20% in 1989/1990.
- The average salary of full-time faculty at Canadian degree-granting institutions in 2009/2010 was $113,407, an increase of 4.4% from 2008/2009.
- In 2009/2010, the earnings of female full professors were 95% those of their male counterparts; female associate professors earned 97% of male earnings; assistant professors, 98%; and "rank below assistant" earned 97%.
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