Table 29.2
Differences in PISA combined reading scores by selected school characteristics, minority and majority language school systems, Canada and selected provinces, 2009

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Table 29.2
Differences in PISA combined reading scores by selected school characteristics, minority and majority language school systems, Canada and selected provinces, 2009
Canada and selected provinces Shortage of instructional material Proportion of students in modal1 grade whose first language is not test language
Combined reading score Difference
(no - some)
Combined reading score Difference (Less than 20% - 20% or more)
No or very little shortage Some or large shortage Less than 20% 20% or more
score difference in score score difference in score
Schools attended by minority language students  
Canada2 490 508 -18* 497 496 0
Nova Scotia 499 454 45* 478 479 -1
New Brunswick 470 468 1 469
Quebec 518 521 -2 534 506 29*
Ontario 477 467 10 472 480 -8
Manitoba 492 467 25 490 480 10
Alberta 471 494 -23 469 476 -7
British Columbia 473 568 -95 481 475 6
Schools attended by majority language students  
Canada2 526 524 2 525 529 -4
Nova Scotia 516 518 -1 517 509 8
New Brunswick 509 517 -8 510 539 -30*
Quebec 522 523 0 524 515 10
Ontario 533 531 3 534 530 4
Manitoba 496 495 1 500 480 20
Alberta 538 498 39* 527 559 -32*
British Columbia 524 530 -6 520 535 -15
* indicates a significant difference between categories within the minority or majority population at the Canada level or within the same province
… not applicable
1. The modal grade is the one in which the majority of 15 year-olds are registered.
2. Includes all provinces except Newfoundland and Labrador.
Source: Programme for International Student Assessment, 2009, OECD.
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