Table A.16
Median income of graduates who were employed during the reference week in 2007, by field of study and gender

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  Median income Confidence limits (95%)
Lower Upper
All fields of study
Male 65,000 64,480 65,520
Female 61,000 60,024 61,976
Life sciences
Male 49,462 47,484 51,440
Female 57,000 54,378 59,622
Male 70,000 68,180 71,820
Female 66,000 61,116 70,884
Computer, mathematics and physical sciences
Male 60,000 57,600 62,400
Female 59,000 57,112 60,888
Psychology and social sciences
Male 68,000 66,096 69,904
Female 61,000 59,536 62,464
Male 60,000 57,840 62,160
Female 56,000 54,320 57,680
Education and other fields of study
Male 81,000 78,408 83,592
Female 73,000 71,394 74,606
Note: Excludes unpaid workers, respondents still taking education credits and those outside the labour force.
Sources: Statistics Canada, National Graduates Survey (Class of 2005).
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