
    Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics

    Registered Apprentices: The Cohorts of 1994 and 1995, One Decade Later


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    Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please "contact us" to request a format other than those available.

    1997. Annual Conference on Vocational and Technical Education. O'Grady, John, "Apprenticeship in Canada: issues and problems", Toronto: 18 octobre, 1997, 6 p.

    2002. Canada's Innovation Strategy. "Knowledge matters: skills and learning for Canadians".
    /llsd/2002/km_slc/toc.shtml (site accessed on February 25, 2009).

    Akyeampong, Ernest B. "The Labour Market: Year-end Review." Perspectives on Labour and Income, supplement, Spring 1995, Catalogue no. 75-001E, Statistics Canada, 17 p.

    Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA), 2003, Annual report. 14 p.

    Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, 2004. Accessing and Completing Apprenticeship Training in Canada – Perceptions of Barriers. Consultation report. 66 p. (site accessed on November 27, 2008).

    Ménard, Marinka, Frank Menezes, Cindy K.Y. Chan et Merv Walker. 2007. National Apprenticeship Survey: Canada Overview Report 2007, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 81-598X, Ottawa, 88 p.

    O'Grady, John. 1997. Apprenticeship in Canada: Issues and Problems, based on remarks to the Annual conference of Vocational and Technical Education of the Canadian Vocational Association, York University, October 18, 1997, 6 p.

    Pyper, Wendy. "Skilled trades employment", Perspectives on Labour and Income, vol. 9, no. 10, October, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001. p. 5-14.

    Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. n.d.Trades and apprenticeship. (site accessed on November 27 2008).

    Sharpe, Andrew. December 16, 1999. Apprenticeship in Canada: a Training System Under Siege? (S.l.), CLFDB National Apprenticeship Committee, [59 p.].

    Skof, Karl. 2006. "Trends in Registered Apprenticeship Training in Canada". Education Matters, vol. 3 no. 2, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 81-004XIE, Ottawa.

    Statistics Canada. 2002. National Graduates Survey (Class of 2000) (master file).

    Statistics Canada. Table 051-0001:Estimates of population, by age group and sex on July 1, Canada, provinces and territories, annual, CANSIM (database).

    Statistics Canada. Table 281-0024: Employment (SEPH), unadjusted for seasonal variation, by type of employee for selected industries classified using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (persons), CANSIM (database).

    Statistics Canada. Table 282-0002: Labour force survey estimates (LFS), by sex and detailed age group, annual, CANSIM (database).

    Statistics Canada. Table 282-0008: Labour force survey estimates (LFS), by North American Industry Classification System (NAIC), sex and age group, annual, CANSIM (database).

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