Table 18
Perceived health status1 by participation in sport, 2005

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  Total Sports participants Non-participants Not asked Not stated Don't know
thousands percentage thousands percentage thousands percentage thousands percentage thousands percentage thousands percentage
Total 26,106 100.0 7,314 100.0 18,494 100.0 0 100.0 258 100.0 F F
Excellent 4,787 18.3 1,776 24.3 2,974 16.1 0 0.0 F F F F
Very good 9,141 35.0 3,032 41.5 6,052 32.7 0 0.0 F F F F
Good 8,313 31.8 1,987 27.2 6,270 33.9 0 0.0 46 E 17.8 E F F
Fair 2,979 11.4 451 6.2 2,502 13.5 0 0.0 F F F F
Poor 717 2.7 54 E 0.7 E 662 3.6 0 0.0 F F F F
Not stated 114 E 0.4 E F F F F 0 0.0 114 E 44.2 F F
Don't know 56 E 0.2 E F F 33 E 0.2 E 0 0.0 F F F F

E use with caution

F too unreliable to be published

1. Survey asked "In general, would you say your health is..."

Source: General Social Survey, 2005.