Table C.4.18
Mean scores of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Program Assessment (PCAP) science and science subdomains assessments, Canada, provinces, 2013

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Table C.4.18
Mean scores of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Program Assessment (PCAP) science and science subdomains assessments, Canada, provinces, 2013
Table summary
This table displays the results of Mean scores of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Program Assessment (PCAP) science and science subdomains assessments. The information is grouped by Region and Language (appearing as row headers), Science, Science sub-domain, Nature of science, Life science, Physical science and Earth Science (appearing as column headers).
Region and LanguageNote 1 Science Science sub-domain
Nature of science Life science Physical science Earth Science
mean score confidence Interval mean score confidence Interval mean score confidence Interval mean score confidence Interval mean score confidence Interval
English and French 500 498.1 to 501.9 500 498.0 to 502.0 500 498.0 to 502.0 500 498.0 to 502.0 500 498.4 to 501.6
English 505 502.7 to 507.3 504 501.8 to 506.2 506 503.4 to 508.6 504 501.7 to 506.3 502 499.5 to 504.5
French 483 480.4 to 485.6 487 484.4 to 489.6 481 478.0 to 484.0 488 484.7 to 491.3 492 489.6 to 494.4
Newfoundland and Labrador  
English and French 500 495.7 to 504.3 495 489.9 to 500.1 506 501.4 to 510.6 494 489.7 to 498.3 506 500.1 to 511.9
English 500 495.2 to 504.8 495 489.7 to 500.3 506 501.4 to 510.6 495 490.1 to 499.9 506 500.5 to 511.5
French Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable
Prince Edward Island  
English and French 491 486.0 to 496.0 490 484.5 to 495.5 488 483.7 to 492.3 494 488.9 to 499.1 504 498.4 to 509.6
English 492 486.8 to 497.2 491 486.0 to 496.0 489 484.2 to 493.8 494 488.4 to 499.6 505 499.8 to 510.2
French Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable
Nova Scotia  
English and French 492 488.4 to 495.6 492 488.2 to 495.8 490 486.6 to 493.4 497 492.9 to 501.1 498 494.3 to 501.7
English 493 488.8 to 497.2 493 489.2 to 496.8 491 486.9 to 495.1 497 493.0 to 501.0 499 495.0 to 503.0
French 466 462.2 to 469.8 467 463.6 to 470.4 472 467.6 to 476.4 493 489.0 to 497.0 475 470.4 to 479.6
New Brunswick  
English and French 469 465.3 to 472.7 477 473.8 to 480.2 474 470.0 to 478.0 477 473.8 to 480.2 481 478.3 to 483.7
English 467 463.3 to 470.7 476 471.0 to 481.0 474 469.1 to 478.9 471 466.6 to 475.4 483 479.3 to 486.7
French 475 469.9 to 480.1 481 476.0 to 486.0 474 468.9 to 479.1 493 488.4 to 497.6 476 471.8 to 480.2
English and French 485 481.4 to 488.6 489 486.3 to 491.7 482 478.8 to 485.2 489 485.9 to 492.1 494 490.6 to 497.4
English 484 479.0 to 489.0 492 486.0 to 498.0 483 477.6 to 488.4 489 484.5 to 493.5 484 478.4 to 489.6
French 485 481.3 to 488.7 489 485.5 to 492.5 482 478.3 to 485.7 488 484.3 to 491.7 495 491.4 to 498.6
English and French 511 506.5 to 515.5 508 504.5 to 511.5 508 504.1 to 511.9 511 507.3 to 514.7 505 501.3 to 508.7
English 513 507.9 to 518.1 510 504.9 to 515.1 509 504.5 to 513.5 512 507.5 to 516.5 507 501.3 to 512.7
French 464 460.0 to 468.0 470 465.4 to 474.6 474 469.2 to 478.8 479 474.5 to 483.5 468 464.5 to 471.5
English and French 465 461.9 to 468.1 469 466.0 to 472.0 481 476.8 to 485.2 470 466.8 to 473.2 477 473.5 to 480.5
English 465 461.5 to 468.5 470 465.6 to 474.4 481 477.7 to 484.3 471 466.3 to 475.7 477 473.3 to 480.7
French 452 448.4 to 455.6 462 458.0 to 466.0 466 461.8 to 470.2 461 457.4 to 464.6 466 462.3 to 469.7
English and French 486 481.8 to 490.2 485 481.9 to 488.1 491 486.8 to 495.2 489 484.4 to 493.6 494 490.3 to 497.7
English 486 481.5 to 490.5 485 481.9 to 488.1 491 486.5 to 495.5 489 485.3 to 492.7 494 490.4 to 497.6
French 474 472.4 to 475.6 484 482.3 to 485.7 480 478.0 to 482.0 470 468.1 to 471.9 492 490.2 to 493.8
English and French 521 516.1 to 525.9 524 520.1 to 527.9 513 509.0 to 517.0 509 505.3 to 512.7 513 508.8 to 517.2
English 521 516.8 to 525.2 524 518.9 to 529.1 513 508.5 to 517.5 509 505.0 to 513.0 514 509.8 to 518.2
French 488 483.1 to 492.9 499 494.5 to 503.5 483 478.3 to 487.7 496 490.0 to 502.0 479 475.0 to 483.0
British Columbia  
English and French 501 496.8 to 505.2 496 492.4 to 499.6 513 509.0 to 517.0 498 494.4 to 501.6 497 493.2 to 500.8
English 501 496.7 to 505.3 496 491.3 to 500.7 513 508.4 to 517.6 498 494.1 to 501.9 497 493.1 to 500.9
French 495 487.2 to 502.8 499 491.0 to 507.0 503 494.2 to 511.8 494 485.4 to 502.6 488 480.8 to 495.2
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