Table D.2.7
Number of university graduates by sex and Classification of Instructional Program (Primary Grouping)Note 1, Canada and provinces, 2012

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Table D.2.7
Number of university graduates by sex and Classification of Instructional Program (Primary Grouping), Canada and provinces, 2012
Table summary
This table displays the results of Number of university graduates by sex and Classification of Instructional Program (Primary Grouping) Canada, Newfoundland
and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British
Columbia, calculated using number units of measure (appearing as column headers).
  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British
Both sexes  
Total, instructional programsNote 2Note 3 275,790 3,555 912 9,873 4,890 72,456 108,912 7,353 5,613 24,027 38,199
Personal improvement and leisure 888 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period 888
Education 28,317 801 129 1,200 798 5,691 11,181 1,026 834 2,721 3,936
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 10,311 87 6 321 87 2,472 4,155 282 117 978 1,806
Humanities 23,550 276 78 723 504 4,743 10,428 891 381 1,497 4,035
Social and behavioural sciences and law 53,526 435 177 1,641 822 11,868 25,986 1,455 777 3,642 6,717
Business, management and public administration 61,098 534 222 2,139 1,095 23,532 18,714 984 1,332 5,028 7,512
Physical and life sciences and technologies 20,223 351 105 909 315 3,423 9,468 696 393 2,067 2,496
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 7,308 78 27 237 111 1,509 3,384 165 114 597 1,089
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 22,983 435 27 897 354 6,051 9,081 432 531 2,082 3,093
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 5,847 33 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 312 78 1,035 1,953 261 252 324 1,590
Health and related fields 35,280 501 135 1,371 687 8,535 13,317 1,002 852 4,770 4,104
Personal, protective and transportation servicesNote 4 1,776 24 0 3 0 216 486 81 18 279 663
Other instructional programs 4,689 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0 120 42 3,381 753 78 9 39 270
Total, instructional programsNote 2 111,447 1,392 327 3,867 1,836 29,529 44,211 2,937 2,226 9,156 15,969
Personal improvement and leisure 432 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period 432
Education 6,870 207 33 258 174 1,311 2,928 285 210 576 891
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 3,606 24 3 93 21 972 1,353 99 42 342 654
Humanities 8,436 96 33 249 174 1,644 3,801 315 144 507 1,473
Social and behavioural sciences and law 17,694 141 51 555 261 3,684 8,655 525 273 1,200 2,346
Business, management and public administration 28,173 210 99 1,056 489 10,266 9,381 444 513 2,307 3,408
Physical and life sciences and technologies 9,174 168 45 381 159 1,581 4,152 333 219 978 1,161
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 4,998 54 21 156 78 1,008 2,268 126 90 423 768
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 17,859 348 24 660 288 4,638 6,975 303 405 1,623 2,595
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 2,676 15 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 135 42 435 801 135 111 132 876
Health and related fields 8,325 105 18 285 132 2,040 3,432 297 207 921 888
Personal, protective and transportation servicesNote 4 900 18 0 3 0 135 216 39 12 129 345
Other instructional programs 2,304 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0 39 15 1,818 243 42 3 18 126
Total, instructional programsNote 2 164,292 2,157 585 6,000 3,051 42,927 64,695 4,410 3,381 14,868 22,215
Personal improvement and leisure 456 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period Note .: not available for any reference period 456
Education 21,444 594 99 942 621 4,380 8,253 744 627 2,148 3,042
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 6,705 63 3 228 66 1,497 2,799 180 75 636 1,155
Humanities 15,111 180 48 471 327 3,099 6,624 576 237 987 2,562
Social and behavioural sciences and law 35,823 291 126 1,086 564 8,184 17,331 930 504 2,439 4,371
Business, management and public administration 32,901 321 126 1,086 600 13,266 9,327 540 816 2,724 4,095
Physical and life sciences and technologies 11,046 183 57 528 156 1,845 5,319 363 177 1,086 1,335
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 2,307 21 3 78 30 501 1,113 39 27 171 321
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 5,124 90 0 237 66 1,413 2,106 129 126 459 495
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 3,168 15 0 180 39 600 1,155 126 141 195 711
Health and related fields 26,946 396 120 1,086 555 6,495 9,882 705 645 3,846 3,213
Personal, protective and transportation servicesNote 4 879 6 0 3 0 81 270 45 3 153 318
Other instructional programs 2,385 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 0 81 30 1,563 510 36 6 24 144
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