Table D.4.3
Percentage of total research and development (R&D) expenditure by performing sector, Canada and provinces, G-7, and leading OECD countries, 2010

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Table summary
This table displays the results of percentage of total research and development (r&d) expenditure by performing sector government, total, federal government, provincial governments, business enterprise, higher education, private non-profit and all sectors, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Government, total Federal government Provincial governmentsNote 1 Business enterprise Higher educationNote 2 Private
profitNote 3
All sectors
CanadaNote 4 11.2 10.0 1.2 50.3 38.0 0.4 100.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 8.5 8.5 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 27.7 63.8 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
Prince Edward Island 21.5 18.5 3.0 15.5 62.7 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
Nova Scotia 13.2 13.2 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 15.8 71.0 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
New Brunswick 12.9 11.9 1.0 35.2 51.9 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
QuebecNote 5 5.2 3.9 1.3 58.9 35.9 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
OntarioNote 5 16.4 16.0 0.4 49.8 33.8 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
Manitoba 17.3 15.8 1.5 31.0 51.8 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
Saskatchewan 18.1 11.2 6.9 24.9 57.0 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
Alberta 8.1 3.7 4.4 48.4 43.6 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
British Columbia 3.7 3.1 0.6 53.5 42.9 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
G-7 countries  
CanadaNote 4 11.2 10.0 1.2 50.3 38.0 0.4 100.0
France 16.4 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 61.7 20.7 1.2 100.0
GermanyNote 6 14.8 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 67.6 17.6 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period 100.0
Italy 13.1 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 53.3 30.3 3.3 100.0
Japan 9.2 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 75.8 13.4 1.6 100.0
United KingdomNote 7 9.2 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 60.4 27.9 2.5 100.0
United StatesNote 8 11.7 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 70.3 13.5 4.4Note p: preliminary 100.0
Leading OECD countries  
IsraelNote 9 4.0Note p: preliminary Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 79.6Note p: preliminary 13.2Note p: preliminary 3.2Note p: preliminary 100.0
Finland 9.1 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 71.4 18.9 0.6 100.0
SwedenNote 10 4.4 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 70.4 25.1 0.1 100.0
Korea 13.0 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 74.3 11.1 1.6 100.0
OECD totalNote 11 11.9Note p: preliminary Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 67.3Note p: preliminary 18.1Note p: preliminary 2.6Note p: preliminary 100.0
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