Table D.3.4
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,Note 1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 2000/2001 and 2010/2011

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Table D.3.4
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff, by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 2000/2001 and 2010/2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of number and salary of full-time university teaching staff canada, newfoundland and labrador, prince edward island, nova scotia, new brunswick, quebec, ontario, manitoba, saskatchewan, alberta and british columbia (appearing as column headers).
Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
All full-time teaching staff  
Both sexes Number 33,429 44,256 837 933 192 246 1,893 2,133 1,116 1,200 8,022 9,606 12,156 16,029 1,467 1,749 1,356 1,596 3,156 4,758 3,234 6,009
Male Number 24 081 28,179 612 585 126 153 1,281 1,290 759 717 5,979 6,375 8,697 10,197 1,050 1,119 987 1,020 2,253 2,997 2,340 3,732
Female Number 9,345 16,074 225 351 69 93 612 843 357 483 2,043 3,234 3,459 5,832 417 633 369 576 903 1,758 894 2,277
Percent female % 28 36 27 38 36 38 32 40 32 40 25 34 28 36 28 36 27 36 29 37 28 38
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 80,535 115,402 67,202 110,491 68,535 104,046 72,050 103,931 70,906 101,580 78,333 107,673 83,234 122,937 77,095 106,723 86,485 119,435 82,088 123,907 85,854 110,435
Male CAN$ 83,783 120,275 69,739 115,050 71,402 107,828 75,728 108,140 74,328 106,181 80,572 111,319 86,431 127,361 81,180 111,575 91,285 123,428 86,280 132,146 89,563 116,654
Female CAN$ 72,163 106,860 60,289 102,870 63,306 97,905 64,332 97,487 63,622 94,702 71,782 100,483 75,195 115,202 66,783 98,125 73,728 112,369 71,618 109,882 76,136 100,249
Gender gapNote 3 % 86 89 86 89 89 91 85 90 86 89 89 90 87 90 82 88 81 91 83 83 85 86
Full professors  
Both sexes Number 13,536 14,823 309 291 51 72 666 696 474 438 3,555 3,924 4,623 4,974 570 582 576 549 1,341 1,620 1,368 1,677
Male Number 11,478 11,364 276 228 42 54 564 519 381 324 2,982 2,964 3,954 3,822 492 447 507 426 1,116 1,269 1,164 1,311
Female Number 2,058 3,459 33 63 9 15 102 177 90 114 573 960 672 1,152 78 135 69 126 222 351 207 369
Percent female % 15 23 11 22 18 21 15 25 19 26 16 24 15 23 14 23 12 23 17 22 15 22
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 96,163 143,362 79,283 136,535 82,908 126,835 87,980 128,576 86,028 124,062 89,343 128,177 99,915 152,121 96,074 137,027 106,059 145,922 101,322 161,889 103,839 149,434
Male CAN$ 97,012 145,045 79,739 137,277 83,536 127,107 88,600 130,011 86,834 124,984 89,988 129,585 100,630 153,076 97,063 139,609 107,903 148,218 102,797 165,130 104,439 151,006
Female CAN$ 91,426 137,830 75,584 133,764 80,209 125,902 84,516 124,374 82,672 121,434 85,994 123,821 95,705 148,953 89,670 128,460 92,702 138,176 93,938 150,173 100,488 143,821
Gender gapNote 3 % 94 95 95 97 96 99 95 96 95 97 96 96 95 97 92 92 86 93 91 91 96 95
Associate professors  
Both sexes Number 11,355 15,279 351 354 60 102 669 753 306 375 2,985 3,492 4,230 6,090 426 582 375 504 963 1,467 984 1,560
Male Number 7,758 9,453 243 222 39 60 450 447 204 222 2,079 2,214 2,853 3,759 297 357 255 318 648 882 687 972
Female Number 3,597 5,823 108 132 21 42 222 309 102 150 909 1,278 1,377 2,328 129 222 120 183 315 585 297 588
Percent female % 32 38 31 37 35 41 33 41 33 40 30 37 33 38 30 38 32 36 33 40 30 38
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 76,849 112,098 65,069 109,330 72,939 103,358 70,123 100,291 67,720 98,499 74,363 101,965 80,787 120,791 73,864 100,081 82,320 115,916 75,336 116,629 79,995 110,002
Male CAN$ 77,858 113,384 65,547 110,240 73,374 105,453 70,843 101,055 68,310 99,262 75,536 103,089 81,735 122,196 75,591 100,681 82,553 114,342 76,638 119,879 81,206 111,302
Female CAN$ 74,675 110,010 63,993 107,824 72,111 100,364 68,661 99,186 66,515 97,372 71,673 100,021 78,822 118,524 69,962 99,125 81,833 118,638 72,660 111,732 77,182 107,846
Gender gapNote 3 % 96 97 98 98 98 95 97 98 97 98 95 97 96 97 93 98 99 104 95 93 95 97
Assistant professors  
Both sexes Number 6,831 9,918 168 276 72 66 468 612 255 234 1,059 1,863 2,724 3,831 372 495 321 399 762 1,008 633 1,131
Male Number 4,026 5,352 93 132 42 33 234 312 141 114 636 1,029 1,635 2,070 219 264 189 210 459 558 384 627
Female Number 2,805 4,566 75 141 33 33 234 303 114 120 420 834 1,089 1,761 153 231 132 189 303 447 246 507
Percent female % 41 46 45 51 46 50 50 50 45 51 40 45 40 46 41 47 41 47 40 44 39 45
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 61,328 91,010 50,665 86,654 56,133 83,252 56,272 83,371 52,615 78,874 59,275 81,705 63,322 96,129 59,135 84,875 67,684 100,083 60,596 95,521 65,796 92,635
Male CAN$ 62,241 91,999 51,417 85,866 56,742 82,875 57,616 83,219 52,655 77,625 60,056 82,744 64,003 97,252 59,022 85,399 67,537 98,894 62,188 96,633 67,123 94,927
Female CAN$ 60,019 89,850 49,743 87,381 55,373 83,665 54,940 83,525 52,564 80,060 58,094 80,422 62,302 94,807 59,296 84,268 67,895 101,425 58,202 94,138 63,719 89,788
Gender gapNote 3 % 96 98 97 102 98 101 95 100 100 103 97 97 97 97 100 99 101 103 94 97 95 95
OtherNote 4  
Both sexes Number 1,707 4,236 9 15 6 3 87 66 84 153 420 327 576 1,131 99 90 84 147 93 660 249 1,638
Male Number 822 2,007 3 3 3 0 33 15 33 57 279 168 258 543 45 48 36 69 33 288 108 822
Female Number 882 2,229 9 12 3 3 51 51 51 96 141 159 321 591 57 45 48 81 60 375 141 819
Percent female % 52 53 100 80 50 100 59 77 61 63 34 49 56 52 58 50 57 55 65 57 57 50
Average salaryNote 2  
Both sexes CAN$ 57,924 86,599 43,705 73,257 45,620 x 50,610 78,044 52,238 79,330 61,353 70,535 61,405 97,038 49,631 73,580 41,502 84,561 50,613 90,190 60,863 83,256
Male CAN$ 60,444 87,906 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act Note ...: not applicable 52 075 78 526 58 328 83 155 64 301 72 134 62 542 97 015 50 785 75 460 42 423 86 567 49 566 92 959 62 144 84 778
Female CAN$ 55,575 85 421 44 153 75 087 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 49 643 77 907 48 298 77 060 55 499 68 866 60 493 97 059 48 744 71 481 40 816 82 882 51 172 88 072 59 913 81 730
Gender gapNote 3 % 92 97 0 0 Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act Note x: suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act 95 99 83 93 86 95 97 100 96 95 96 96 103 95 96 96
... not applicable
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
1. Includes: professors with and without senior administrative duties. Excludes: staff who have been on unpaid leave; all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to lay staff.
2. In current dollars. To convert this current dollar data to constant dollar amounts for comparison over time, it is recommended that the Consumer Price Index be used. For the index and further details on converting, see Table  F.1.3.
3. Defined as the average salary of females as a percentage of the average salary of males.
4. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, University and College Academic Staff Survey, data published May 2012.
Updated December 13, 2012.
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