Table D.4.1
Total domestic expenditures on research and development (R&D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), OECD countries, 2009Note 1

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Table D.4.1
Total domestic expenditures on research and development (R&D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), OECD countries, 2009Note 1

Table summary
This table displays the results of Total domestic expenditures on research and development (R&D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). The information is grouped by OECD countries (appearing as row headers), Domestic R&D expenditures/GDP, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
OECD countries Domestic R&D expenditures/GDP
IsraelNote 2 4.46p
Finland 3.92
Sweden 3.61
Korea 3.56
Japan 3.36
Denmark 3.06
Switzerland 2.99
United StatesNote 3 2.90
Germany 2.82
Austria 2.72
Iceland 2.64p
OECD totalNote 4 2.40p
France 2.26
Australia 2.24
Belgium 2.03
Canada 1.92
European Union (27 countries)Note 4 1.92p
Slovenia 1.86
United KingdomNote 5 1.85
Netherlands 1.82
Norway 1.78
IrelandNote 5 1.74
Luxembourg 1.66
Portugal 1.64
Czech Republic 1.48
Estonia 1.43
Spain 1.38
New Zealand 1.30
Italy 1.26
Hungary 1.17
Turkey 0.85
Poland 0.68
GreeceNote 5 0.60
Slovak Republic 0.48
Chile 0.39
Mexico 0.37

p preliminary
1. 2009 or latest available year.
2. Defence excluded (all or mostly).
3. Excludes capital expenditure (all or mostly).
4. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretariat estimate or projection based on national sources.
5. National estimate or projection adjusted, if necessary, by the OECD Secretariat to meet OECD norms.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Sources: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2012, OECD StatExtracts, Main Science and Technology Indicators database, MSTI variables: Gerd as a percentage of GDP; Statistics Canada, 2012, Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development in Canada (GERD), and the Provinces: National Estimate 2001 to 2011 / Provincial Estimates 2005 to 2009, Catalogue number 88-221-X, Volume 4, number 1, Table 1-1 (for Canada).
Updated May 1, 2012.

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