Table D.2.9
Number of certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by colleges, by sex of graduate and field of study, Canada, provinces and territories, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009

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Table D.2.9
Number of certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by colleges, by sex of graduate and field of study, Canada, provinces and territories, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009
Table summary
This table displays the results of number of certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by colleges. This information is grouped by Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut (appearing as column headers), calculated using number as a unit of measure.
  Canada Newfoundland and LabradorNote 1 Prince Edward Island Nova ScotiaNote 2 New Brunswick QuebecNote 2 Ontario Manitoba SaskatchewanNote 3 Alberta British ColumbiaNote 2, Note 4, Note 5 Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
Both sexesNote 6 162,354 1,746 960 3,843 2,274 50,520 59,202 2,565 3,546 16,302 21,150 27 126 96
Education 3,969 0 0 39 6 1,257 1,140 90 102 285 1,044 0 3 3
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 9,678 54 33 201 147 2,877 3,759 63 39 912 1,590 0 0 3
Humanities 28,824 192 0 114 12 23,445 2,778 12 0 246 2,025 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 13,608 102 21 144 102 2,937 6,870 279 168 963 1,995 0 3 27
Physical and life sciences and technologies 1,119 0 15 0 15 498 333 27 30 72 129 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 5,376 102 69 90 63 1,458 2,154 144 99 465 723 3 0 0
Architecture, engineering, and related technologies 21,540 480 198 1,395 759 3,159 8,856 441 1,287 3,156 1,791 12 9 0
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 2,892 45 15 66 78 558 939 72 60 687 372 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 37,146 438 198 831 549 7,500 15,966 705 543 4,236 6,039 12 81 48
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 26,838 201 150 654 456 4,959 10,437 528 822 4,038 4,560 0 27 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 10,815 123 261 282 93 1,821 5,691 87 393 1,242 822 0 0 0
Personal improvement and leisure 201 6 0 0 0 0 168 0 0 0 12 0 0 12
Other 354 0 0 24 0 48 108 129 9 3 36 0 0 0
Male 66,069 777 516 1,881 1,158 20,010 24,915 993 1,782 6,729 7,263 12 18 15
Education 552 0 0 3 0 126 108 24 15 24 249 0 3 3
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 3,594 39 18 99 54 930 1,548 39 21 324 525 0 0 3
Humanities 11,142 48 0 24 12 9,189 1,101 3 0 90 675 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 2,445 9 6 36 12 336 1,428 39 18 150 411 0 0 3
Physical and life sciences and technologies 516 0 9 0 9 255 135 9 12 27 66 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 3,939 75 9 63 45 1,218 1,632 81 57 297 456 3 0 0
Architecture, engineering, and related technologies 18,489 381 186 1,260 720 2,634 7,650 369 1,143 2,634 1,500 6 3 0
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,680 24 9 39 69 315 558 45 39 378 201 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 12,669 72 24 186 135 2,994 5,598 225 93 1,257 2,058 3 9 6
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 4,410 30 78 36 51 801 1,815 51 123 792 633 0 0 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 6,435 99 180 123 48 1,200 3,252 51 255 756 468 0 0 0
Personal improvement and leisure 42 3 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
Other 156 0 0 9 0 9 63 54 9 3 12 0 0 0
Female 95,490 969 300 1,953 1,098 30,510 33,720 1,575 1,719 9,573 13,869 12 108 84
Education 3,417 0 0 36 6 1,134 1,029 66 84 264 795 0 0 3
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 5,976 18 15 102 93 1,950 2,106 24 18 588 1,065 0 0 0
Humanities 17,625 144 0 90 0 14,256 1,623 6 0 156 1,347 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 11,091 93 15 111 90 2,598 5,376 240 150 813 1,581 0 3 21
Physical and life sciences and technologies 603 0 6 0 6 243 198 21 18 42 66 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 1,356 30 3 27 12 240 504 63 39 165 267 0 0 0
Architecture, engineering, and related technologies 2,979 96 12 132 36 525 1,161 69 132 519 285 3 6 0
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,206 24 6 24 12 243 378 24 18 309 168 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 24,270 366 90 633 411 4,506 10,263 477 447 2,979 3,978 9 72 45
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 22,323 168 72 621 402 4,158 8,538 474 684 3,249 3,927 0 24 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 4,290 24 84 159 36 624 2,367 33 126 486 354 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 162 6 0 0 0 0 135 0 0 0 9 0 0 12
Other 195 0 0 15 0 36 42 75 0 0 24 0 0 0
Both sexesNote 6 159,444 1,746 1,008 3,855 2,304 50,976 60,624 2,547 3,645 17,877 14,616 24 126 96
Education 3,762 0 0 39 6 1,377 1,194 75 69 228 762 0 3 3
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 8,859 54 27 216 147 2,850 3,777 60 42 936 741 0 0 0
Humanities 28,284 192 0 99 12 23,967 2,892 15 3 294 807 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 13,092 102 30 129 102 2,661 7,068 267 150 1,302 1,257 0 3 27
Physical and life sciences and technologies 1,002 0 0 0 12 402 348 27 33 81 96 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 5,103 105 84 135 63 1,443 2,169 150 60 408 489 3 0 0
Architecture, engineering, and related technologies 21,396 477 189 1,416 768 3,102 9,018 432 1,146 3,150 1,680 9 9 3
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 2,739 48 27 33 84 582 1,029 60 48 624 207 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 36,792 438 261 834 558 7,914 16,608 732 720 4,281 4,308 9 81 51
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 27,030 198 213 681 462 4,863 10,185 498 903 5,130 3,870 0 27 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 10,764 123 180 261 93 1,770 5,988 108 465 1,434 342 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 249 6 0 0 0 0 189 12 0 12 21 0 3 12
Other 369 0 0 9 0 45 159 111 6 0 39 0 0 0
Male 64,602 777 456 1,875 1,173 19,881 25,572 987 1,764 7,023 5,052 12 18 15
Education 537 0 0 9 0 132 114 24 6 6 246 0 3 0
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 3,333 36 6 99 54 894 1,599 36 21 351 234 0 0 3
Humanities 10,872 48 0 21 12 9,318 1,134 6 0 87 246 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 2,352 9 3 45 12 231 1,503 24 18 228 267 0 0 3
Physical and life sciences and technologies 462 0 0 0 9 222 138 6 15 33 39 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 3,855 72 15 105 48 1,212 1,650 81 39 294 330 6 0 0
Architecture, engineering, and related technologies 18,279 381 174 1,257 729 2,553 7,803 369 1,020 2,577 1,407 6 3 3
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,572 24 21 18 69 318 606 42 36 345 96 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 12,363 72 48 177 138 2,958 5,880 228 168 1,287 1,392 0 9 6
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 4,407 30 78 39 51 846 1,674 51 129 912 591 0 3 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 6,342 99 111 105 51 1,176 3,333 69 315 900 189 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 42 3 0 0 0 0 33 3 0 3 3 0 0 0
Other 183 0 0 0 0 18 105 48 6 0 6 0 0 0
Female 94,008 969 351 1,974 1,116 31,095 34,539 1,560 1,827 10,845 9,522 12 108 84
Education 3,216 0 0 30 6 1,248 1,074 54 66 225 510 0 3 3
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies 5,487 15 18 120 96 1,956 2,145 27 24 582 507 0 0 0
Humanities 17,358 144 0 75 0 14,649 1,704 12 0 207 561 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 10,662 93 27 84 90 2,427 5,493 240 132 1,071 987 0 3 24
Physical and life sciences and technologies 540 0 0 0 3 180 213 18 18 48 54 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 1,179 30 3 30 15 228 513 69 21 111 159 0 0 0
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 3,048 99 15 156 36 549 1,167 63 123 567 264 3 6 0
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,149 21 6 15 12 264 414 18 12 279 108 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 24,135 366 114 657 417 4,956 10,587 504 522 2,991 2,895 9 69 45
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 22,512 168 102 642 405 4,017 8,442 447 765 4,221 3,276 0 24 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 4,329 24 66 159 33 597 2,586 39 144 531 156 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 204 3 0 0 0 0 153 9 0 9 15 0 3 12
Other 183 0 0 9 0 24 51 63 0 0 36 0 0 0
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
1. College institutions from Newfoundland and Labrador have not reported their graduates to the Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) since 2005/2006; PSIS has used the 2005/2006 data as estimates for subsequent years.
2. Graduates from the following private non-subsidized institutions are no longer included: Institute for Human Resources Education (Nova Scotia); several colleges in Quebec; and Columbia College (British Columbia).
3. The following institution was added to the survey frame for 2008/2009: Great Plains Regional College (Saskatchewan).
4. Data for the following institution are not included in the released data for 1999/2000 to 2008/2009: Justice Institute of British Columbia (British Columbia).
5. The following institutions, previously colleges, were granted university status as of September 1, 2008, and are excluded from the 2008/2009 counts for British Columbia: Capilano College, Malaspina University College, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Kwantlen University College, University College of the Fraser Valley. The decrease in the number of certificates, diplomas and degrees for British Columbia and for Canada in 2008/2009 was mainly due to the attribution of university status to these five colleges.
6. The figures for "Male" and "Female" may not add to the total for "Both sexes" because "Both sexes" includes individuals for whom sex was not reported.
Notes: These figures reflect certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by colleges (please see Table D.2.3, published December 13, 2010, for the number of certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by universities). Programs related to pre-employment, apprenticeship, basic training or skills upgrading, second language training, job readiness or orientation programs are not included. All counts reflect the number of graduates in the academic year. The reporting period is the academic year as defined by the college, which begins on the first day after the end of the winter semester.
Graduates from institutions that are not funded by provincial ministries of education are no longer included in the survey; this began in 2005/2006 for such institutions in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and in 2006/2007 for those in Ontario and Alberta.
Field of study data, previously coded as part of the Community College Student Information System (CCSIS), have been converted to PSIS using the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2000 categories.
All PSIS data are subject to revision.
To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and sub-totals are independently rounded, the total values may not match the sum of the individual values.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, Postsecondary Student Information System, CANSIM Table 477-0016, College graduates by program level, Classification of Instructional Programs, Primary Grouping (CIP_PG) and sex, annual (number), published March 10, 2011.
Updated December 14, 2011.
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