Table D.1.4.1
College enrolment,Note 1 by sex, registration status and program type, Canada, provinces and territories, 2002/2003 and 2007/2008

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Table D.1.4.1
College enrolment,Note 1 by sex, registration status and program type, Canada, provinces and territories, 2002/2003 and 2007/2008
Table summary
This table displays the results of college enrolment, by sex, registration status and program type. This information is grouped by both sexes, male and female, 2002/2003 and 2007/2008 (appearing as column headers), calculated using number as a unit of measure.
  Both sexesNote 2 Male Female
2002/2003 2007/2008 2002/2003 2007/2008 2002/2003 2007/2008
Total full-time enrolment, all programsNote 3  
Canada 458,424 469,389 205,977 208,632 252,165 258,867
Newfoundland and Labrador 5,751 5,394 3,213 2,991 2,535 2,397
Prince Edward Island 1,752 1,596 906 684 771 573
Nova Scotia 6,300 7,311 3,309 3,870 2,976 3,438
New Brunswick 5,859 5,955 3,201 3,273 2,634 2,640
Quebec 171,771 177,330 73,113 74,376 98,658 102,954
Ontario 153,537 160,341 74,412 77,148 79,059 81,771
Manitoba 5,631 5,139 2,556 2,400 3,075 2,739
Saskatchewan 3,660 6,597 1,425 2,553 2,232 3,981
Alberta 38,241 42,285 16,227 17,601 21,957 24,684
British Columbia 65,103 56,790 27,336 23,571 37,722 33,207
Yukon 162 75 75 39 87 36
Northwest Territories 339 342 90 75 249 267
Nunavut 321 237 117 57 207 180
College certificate or diploma and other programs at the college levelNote 4  
Canada 441,345 436,596 199,797 195,198 241,293 239,787
Newfoundland and Labrador 5,490 5,067 3,126 2,730 2,364 2,334
Prince Edward Island 1,752 1,596 906 684 771 573
Nova Scotia 6,261 7,305 3,285 3,870 2,958 3,435
New Brunswick 5,310 5,052 2,955 2,724 2,343 2,301
Quebec 171,726 177,213 73,095 74,310 98,634 102,900
Ontario 152,955 149,976 74,307 72,327 78,582 76,473
Manitoba 5,628 5,076 2,556 2,382 3,072 2,694
Saskatchewan 3,660 5,238 1,425 2,073 2,232 3,117
Alberta 36,471 36,027 15,474 15,084 20,946 20,937
British Columbia 51,270 43,392 22,392 18,849 28,842 24,531
Yukon 162 75 75 39 87 36
Northwest Territories 339 342 90 75 249 267
Nunavut 321 237 117 57 207 180
UndergraduateNote 5  
Canada 14,187 24,192 5,016 9,300 9,162 14,841
Ontario 402 5,094 39 2,289 366 2,754
Manitoba 0 45 0 9 0 36
Alberta 1,767 6,261 753 2,517 1,008 3,744
British Columbia 12,018 12,792 4,227 4,485 7,785 8,307
GraduateNote 6  
British Columbia 135 210 54 99 84 111
Total part-time enrolment, all programsNote 3  
Canada 115,416 157,125 43,494 57,507 67,872 88,095
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,109 3,579 957 2,094 1,152 1,470
Prince Edward Island 51 243 30 102 18 135
Nova Scotia 1,650 1,569 696 528 879 978
New Brunswick 411 1,035 192 423 216 600
Quebec 23,736 18,297 9,648 7,824 14,088 10,470
Ontario 16,653 54,870 6,267 18,051 6,927 25,758
Manitoba 2,832 3,804 1,032 1,275 1,800 2,517
Saskatchewan 189 8,343 90 3,573 99 4,581
Alberta 14,829 17,778 5,514 6,165 9,303 11,610
British Columbia 52,296 47,253 18,882 17,376 32,916 29,721
Yukon 378 135 129 57 249 75
Northwest Territories 183 159 30 24 150 135
Nunavut 102 57 21 12 78 45
College certificate or diploma and other programs at the college levelNote 4  
Canada 80,523 82,212 32,088 32,181 48,300 49,743
Newfoundland and Labrador 417 465 159 231 258 231
Prince Edward Island 51 39 30 9 18 27
Nova Scotia 642 885 318 339 309 522
New Brunswick 180 273 66 90 114 183
Quebec 17,877 15,921 7,101 6,606 10,776 9,312
Ontario 12,171 13,917 6,009 6,843 6,147 6,903
Manitoba 2,832 3,048 1,032 1,071 1,800 1,971
Saskatchewan 189 378 90 135 99 207
Alberta 14,352 15,744 5,373 5,310 8,964 10,428
British Columbia 31,149 31,191 11,721 11,451 19,341 19,701
Yukon 378 135 129 57 249 75
Northwest Territories 183 159 30 24 150 135
Nunavut 102 57 21 12 78 45
UndergraduateNote 5  
Canada 3,888 5,832 1,392 2,340 2,496 3,417
Ontario 6 618 0 204 6 342
Manitoba 0 150 0 30 0 120
Alberta 477 2,034 141 855 336 1,179
British Columbia 3,402 3,027 1,248 1,251 2,151 1,779
GraduateNote 6  
British Columbia 63 111 30 48 33 63
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
1. "College" refers to community colleges, CEGEPs (collège d'enseignement général et professionnel or college of general and vocational education in Quebec), technical institutes, hospital and regional schools of nursing, radiography, medical technology and health records as well as establishments providing technological training in specialized fields. The counts represent the number of students who were enrolled in an educational activity on October 31st and thus present a snapshot of enrolments on that day.
2. The figures for "Male" and "Female" may not add to the total for "Both sexes" because "Both sexes" includes enrolments for which sex was not reported.
3. Includes the category "Other program levels," which is not presented in this table. "Other program levels" includes "program levels not applicable" or "non-programs" (taking non-credit courses or taking courses without seeking a credential). The totals exclude students enrolled in programs related to pre-employment, apprenticeship, basic training or skills upgrading, second language training, job readiness or orientation programs.
4. Includes: college or CEGEP postsecondary programs; college post-diploma programs; collaborative degree programs; university transfer programs from a college or CEGEP (includes associate degrees); and college preliminary year courses.
5. Includes programs leading to a bachelor's degree, an applied degree, a university preliminary year or pre-bachelor, or to an undergraduate-level certificate or diploma.
6. Includes programs leading to a master's degree or other university-graduate level certificates or diplomas.
Notes: From year to year, more institutions are reporting data using the Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) format, replacing the previous Community College Student Information System (CCSIS) format. The institutions that report data using the PSIS format are asked to include students enrolled in non-programs, including non-credit activities, as well as undergraduate- and graduate-level enrolments. In general, this has resulted in institutions reporting a larger number of student enrolments. Starting in 2000/2001, enrolments from private non-subsidized institutions that were part of the PSIS survey were no longer included.
These figures on college enrolment should not be compared with those published before PSIS was introduced in 2000.
Enrolments from institutions that are not funded by provincial ministries of education are no longer included in the survey; this began in 2006/2007 for such institutions in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Data for the following institutions are not included in the released data: for 2000/2001 to 2008/2009, Justice Institute of British Columbia (British Columbia); for 2001/2002, Ontario Schools of Radiation Therapy (Ontario).
The decrease in enrolment for British Columbia between 2002/2003 and 2007/2008 was mainly due to the attribution of university status as follows: University College of the Cariboo became Thompson Rivers University effective March 31, 2005, changing from a university college to a university; Okanagan University College became Okanagan College and UBC-Okanagan in September 2005; Okanagan College enrolments continue to be reported as college enrolments, but the enrolments for UBC-Okanagan change to university counts.
The increase in enrolments for Saskatchewan mainly reflects a change in PSIS reporting between 2002/2003 and 2007/2008 that reflects the inclusion of regional colleges.
PSIS has revised enrolments for 1999/2000 to 2006/2007. All PSIS data are subject to revision.
To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total values may not match the sum of the individual values.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS), CANSIM Table 477-0015, College enrolments, by registration status, program level, Classification of Instructional Programs, Primary Grouping (CIP_PG) and sex, annual (number), published March 10, 2011.
Updated December 14, 2011.
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