Table D.2.2
Number of registered apprenticeship completions, by major trade group and sex, Canada, 1995, 2000 and 2005 to 2008

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Table D.2.2
Number of registered apprenticeship completions, by major trade group and sex, Canada, 1995, 2000 and 2005 to 2008
  1995 2000 2005
Both sexes1 Male Female Percent female Both sexes1 Male Female Percent female Both sexes1 Male Female Percent female
number percent number percent number percent
All major trade groups 17,076 15,237 1,836 11 18,396 16,239 2,157 12 20,556 18,330 2,226 11
Automotive service 2,895 2,868 27 1 3,153 3,105 48 2 2,706 2,649 57 2
Carpenters 1,509 1,494 15 1 1,056 1,044 12 1 1,743 1,728 15 1
Early childhood educators and assistants .. .. .. ... 69 3 66 96 150 9 138 92
Electricians2 2,940 2,901 39 1 2,628 2,571 57 2 3,813 3,759 54 1
Electronics and instrumentation 363 354 9 2 255 255 3 1 312 291 21 7
Exterior finishing 339 339 3 1 417 414 3 1 525 522 0 0
Food service 717 495 219 31 663 450 213 32 561 405 156 28
Hairstylists and estheticians 1,653 249 1,404 85 1,878 243 1,638 87 1,704 126 1,578 93
Heavy duty equipment mechanics 624 621 0 ... 1,182 1,179 3 0 714 711 3 0
Heavy equipment and crane operators2 180 180 3 2 483 468 15 3 957 942 12 1
Interior finishing 462 453 9 2 411 399 12 3 633 603 27 4
Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists 108 78 30 28 87 63 21 24 63 48 18 29
Machinists 528 516 12 2 1,128 1,119 12 1 729 720 6 1
Metal workers (other) 348 333 15 4 411 405 6 1 627 621 6 1
Millwrights 681 675 6 1 903 900 3 0 915 906 6 1
Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ...
Plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters 1,746 1,740 6 0 1,416 1,410 6 0 2,025 2,004 18 1
Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics 327 327 0 ... 396 393 3 1 465 462 0 ...
Sheet metal workers 423 420 3 1 336 336 0 ... 369 363 9 2
User support technicians .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... 12 9 0 ...
Welders 561 552 6 1 1,053 1,038 15 1 1,134 1,089 45 4
Other3 678 639 36 5 480 450 27 6 408 351 60 15
  2006 2007 2008
Both sexes1 Male Female Percent female Both sexes1 Male Female Percent female Both sexes1 Male Female Percent female
number percent number percent number percent
All major trade groups 20,853 18,624 2,232 11 24,495 21,717 2,778 11 29,145 25,881 3,261 11
Automotive service 2,610 2,553 54 2 3,396 3,321 75 2 3,261 3,171 90 3
Carpenters 1,965 1,950 18 1 2,469 2,445 27 1 2,871 2,847 24 1
Early childhood educators and assistants 240 24 216 90 261 12 249 95 282 21 261 93
Electricians2 4,137 4,053 84 2 4,611 4,545 66 1 4,926 4,824 99 2
Electronics and instrumentation 351 336 12 3 315 306 9 3 420 402 18 4
Exterior finishing 525 519 3 1 642 642 3 0 837 831 6 1
Food service 477 297 180 38 591 402 192 32 717 483 237 33
Hairstylists and estheticians 1,581 129 1,452 92 2,082 138 1,947 94 2,106 156 1,947 92
Heavy duty equipment mechanics 762 762 0 ... 828 825 3 0 981 978 6 1
Heavy equipment and crane operators2 972 960 12 1 1,005 987 15 1 1,008 996 12 1
Interior finishing 630 594 36 6 714 672 39 5 900 834 66 7
Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists 69 51 18 26 108 78 30 27 267 213 54 20
Machinists 630 615 12 2 696 678 15 2 861 840 18 2
Metal workers (other) 483 474 9 2 594 591 6 1 615 612 3 0
Millwrights 942 930 9 I 1,020 1,011 9 1 1,098 1,089 15 1
Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers .. .. .. ... 3 3 0 ... 69 69 0 ...
Plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters 2,172 2,151 27 1 2,481 2,457 24 1 3,435 3,411 27 1
Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics 447 447 0 ... 537 537 3 1 495 492 6 1
Sheet metal workers 453 453 3 1 522 522 0 ... 552 549 6 1
User support technicians 3 0 0 ... 9 12 0 ... 402 339 63 16
Welders 1,005 966 42 4 1,206 1,167 39 3 1,461 1,410 51 3
Other3 405 357 45 11 399 372 24 6 1,578 1,320 255 16
.. not available for a specific reference period
... not applicable
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
1. Figures for "Males" and "Females" may not add to totals for "Both sexes" because of rounding to the nearest 3.
2. Changes to the Emploi-Québec reporting decreased the number of registered apprentices in 2008, especially in the "Industrial electrician" and "Heavy equipment and crane operator" trades.
3. Consists of miscellaneous trades and occupations not classified elsewhere.
Notes: In 2008, the Registered Apprenticeship Information System (RAIS) underwent a major survey redesign.
Beginning with the 2008 data, the RAIS used the National Occupation Classification (NOC) to create a special grouping of 22 major trade groups (as shown in this table). All RAIS historical data have been revised to reflect these 22 groups.
To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total values may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, Registered Apprenticeship Information System (RAIS), CANSIM Table 477-0054, Registered apprenticeship training, completions, by age groups, sex and major trade groups, annual (number) (replacing CANSIM Table 477-0052, which has been terminated), published December 9, 2010.
Updated April 29, 2011.
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