Table D.3.4.2
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1998/1999 and 2008/2009

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  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
All full-time teaching staff
Both sexes Number 33,015 41,322 825 900 177 219 1,881 2,112 1,119 1,182 8,046 9,447 12,051 15,627 1,482 1,683 1,335 1,539 2,910 4,077 3,186 4,536
Male Number 24,438 27,027 621 582 123 141 1,320 1,287 786 717 6,108 6,399 8,871 10,098 1,086 1,107 1,032 999 2,136 2,715 2,355 2,979
Female Number 8,580 14,292 204 318 54 75 561 825 333 468 1,941 3,048 3,183 5,532 396 573 300 537 774 1,362 834 1,557
Percent female % 26 35 25 35 31 34 30 39 30 40 24 32 26 35 27 34 22 35 27 33 26 34
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 76,284 108,804 63,936 96,324 67,612 97,764 68,019 96,155 67,456 97,785 74,568 102,926 78,704 113,495 74,027 99,687 82,149 105,428 75,654 118,131 82,292 112,803
Male CAN$ 79,238 113,201 66,026 100,031 69,700 100,706 71,121 100,656 70,524 102,253 76,725 106,341 81,671 117,782 77,809 104,586 86,217 108,779 79,237 124,417 85,626 118,115
Female CAN$ 67,870 100,488 57,646 89,538 62,857 92,194 60,709 89,136 60,222 90,901 67,773 95,756 70,432 105,670 63,646 90,205 68,233 99,181 65,763 105,586 72,868 102,648
Gender gap3 % 86 89 87 90 90 92 85 89 85 89 88 90 86 90 82 86 79 91 83 85 85 87
Full professors
Both sexes Number 13,641 14,247 291 294 45 63 657 669 495 441 3,522 3,867 4,782 4,701 606 564 618 507 1,266 1,593 1,356 1,551
Male Number 11,781 11,091 267 234 39 51 573 516 396 330 3,018 2,961 4,137 3,660 531 447 561 396 1,080 1,269 1,176 1,227
Female Number 1,857 3,153 24 57 6 12 84 153 99 111 504 909 642 1041 72 117 57 114 186 324 180 321
Percent female % 14 22 8 19 13 19 13 23 20 25 14 24 13 22 12 21 9 22 15 20 13 21
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 90,464 134,515 75,338 117,720 83,241 119,722 82,669 120,232 81,064 120,017 85,458 122,566 93,053 142,308 91,022 129,674 97,082 131,631 93,181 148,110 99,248 143,494
Male CAN$ 91,220 136,020 75,360 118,200 83,959 120,664 83,431 121,246 82,397 120,302 85,987 123,956 93,866 143,337 91,786 132,313 98,581 134,067 94,290 150,469 99,375 144,805
Female CAN$ 85,672 129,224 75,109 115,804 79,140 115,720 77,532 116,833 75,594 119,153 82,295 118,031 87,821 138,690 85,287 119,524 82,349 123,018 86,739 138,842 98,425 138,478
Gender gap3 % 94 95 100 98 94 96 93 96 92 99 96 95 94 97 93 90 84 92 92 92 99 96
Associate professors
Both sexes Number 11,796 14,034 372 318 60 96 717 723 321 405 3,162 3,345 4,305 5,541 474 540 402 495 948 1,236 1,032 1,338
Male Number 8,385 8,874 261 195 39 57 495 417 228 234 2,283 2,184 3,048 3,519 342 342 288 315 654 768 744 840
Female Number 3,414 5,163 111 120 18 39 222 306 87 174 882 1,161 1,257 2,019 132 198 117 180 294 471 288 495
Percent female % 29 37 30 38 30 41 31 42 27 43 28 35 29 36 28 37 29 36 31 38 28 37
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 71,943 105,424 61,747 95,988 70,421 96,211 65,079 94,451 63,860 93,944 70,425 97,264 75,374 113,169 70,071 93,476 75,763 103,255 68,549 110,604 75,795 106,868
Male CAN$ 72,895 106,625 62,485 97,090 70,977 96,458 65,449 96,306 64,384 94,824 71,498 98,172 76,436 114,293 70,745 94,205 76,485 101,187 69,214 113,525 76,832 108,575
Female CAN$ 69,606 103,360 60,019 94,164 69,252 95,833 64,257 91,930 62,506 92,747 67,648 95,553 72,798 111,211 68,339 92,226 73,972 106,872 67,077 105,836 73,126 103,984
Gender gap3 % 95 97 96 97 98 99 98 95 97 98 95 97 95 97 97 98 97 106 97 93 95 96
Assistant professors
Both sexes Number 6,165 10,584 159 270 69 57 423 645 237 276 1,056 1,941 2,427 4,416 318 498 255 393 606 927 615 1,164
Male Number 3,573 5,907 90 144 45 33 222 333 129 132 618 1,110 1,431 2,451 180 276 153 210 348 540 360 681
Female Number 2,592 4,677 69 126 27 24 198 312 108 144 441 828 996 1,965 138 222 105 183 258 387 255 486
Percent female % 42 44 43 47 39 42 47 48 46 52 42 43 41 44 43 45 41 47 43 42 41 42
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 57,976 85,505 48,693 75,565 55,095 76,455 54,163 76,209 48,782 75,017 55,961 78,882 60,685 89,535 55,117 77,829 65,066 88,079 53,492 88,811 62,551 91,427
Male CAN$ 58,821 86,535 49,234 75,720 55,247 77,330 55,250 76,282 48,592 75,355 56,408 80,087 61,209 90,765 55,433 78,367 68,151 87,245 54,518 88,863 64,031 93,002
Female CAN$ 56,811 84,204 47,976 75,387 54,854 75,253 52,939 76,132 49,008 74,707 55,336 77,264 59,930 88,001 54,713 77,160 60,529 89,037 52,104 88,739 60,461 89,223
Gender gap3 % 97 97 97 100 99 97 96 100 101 99 98 96 98 97 99 98 89 102 96 100 94 96
Both sexes Number 1,413 2,454 6 18 3 0 84 78 66 63 303 297 540 969 87 81 57 144 90 324 180 480
Male Number 699 1,152 3 3 0 0 27 21 27 21 192 144 249 465 33 45 30 81 54 141 72 228
Female Number 717 1,299 3 15 3 0 54 54 39 42 111 153 288 504 51 36 24 63 36 180 105 255
Percent female % 51 53 50 83 100 0 64 69 59 67 37 52 53 52 59 44 42 44 40 56 58 53
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 55,544 79,349 47,640 64,679 x ... 47,605 69,626 50,087 67,363 56,057 68,117 59,186 84,675 46,536 67,821 42,791 67,568 53,432 83,163 59,228 82,220
Male CAN$ 57,725 80,939 x x 0 0 46,750 70,301 53,226 71,914 58,360 71,062 61,084 85,265 46,891 70,024 43,824 70,237 59,493 85,110 60,611 84,296
Female CAN$ 53,419 77,938 x 66,894 x ... 48,064 69,333 47,833 64,921 52,129 65,326 57,532 84,133 46,308 65,007 41,470 64,136 43,906 81,654 58,272 80,348
Gender gap3 % 93 96 x 0 x ... 103 99 90 90 89 92 94 99 99 93 95 91 74 96 96 95
... not applicable
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.
1. Excludes: staff who have been on unpaid leave; all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to lay staff; staff having a salary of zero or not reported.
2. In current dollars. To convert this current dollar data to constant dollar amounts for comparison over time, it is recommended that the Consumer Price Index be used. For the index and further details on converting, see Table F.1.3.
3. Defined as the average salary of females as a percentage of the average salary of males.
4. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff such as coaches.
Note: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, University and College Academic Staff Survey, published August 10, 2010.
Updated December 13, 2010.