Table D.3.4.1
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1997/1998 and 2007/2008

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  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
All full-time teaching staff
Both sexes Number 33,027 40,689 837 879 180 201 1,866 2,142 1,113 1,212 8,145 9,333 11,985 15,351 1,488 1,680 1,302 1,479 2,847 3,960 3,264 4,446
Male Number 24,675 26,889 621 579 120 135 1,320 1,320 804 750 6,225 6,411 8,886 10,005 1,119 1,113 1,029 975 2,121 2,676 2,430 2,925
Female Number 8,352 13,800 219 300 57 69 546 822 312 459 1,920 2,922 3,099 5,349 369 564 276 504 729 1,284 831 1,524
Percent female % 25 34 26 34 32 34 29 38 28 38 24 31 26 35 25 34 21 34 26 32 25 34
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 74,854 104,249 62,761 90,610 65,121 94,211 65,407 92,139 68,434 93,040 73,290 99,976 77,290 108,307 72,996 96,429 81,773 102,083 73,199 112,474 80,569 107,594
Male CAN$ 77,804 108,441 64,888 94,147 67,996 97,073 68,524 96,598 71,487 97,401 75,380 103,242 80,342 112,359 76,666 101,364 85,272 105,753 76,642 118,190 84,019 112,638
Female CAN$ 66,139 96,081 56,672 83,762 59,173 88,653 57,857 84,992 60,524 85,903 66,513 92,811 68,538 100,729 61,854 86,672 68,633 94,995 63,170 100,561 70,490 97,906
Gender gap3 % 85 89 87 89 87 91 84 88 85 88 88 90 85 90 81 86 80 90 82 85 84 87
Full professors
Both sexes Number 13,683 14,052 288 291 45 36 669 678 507 450 3,513 3,864 4,764 4,632 633 558 633 492 1,272 1,569 1,359 1,479
Male Number 11,925 11,064 261 237 39 27 585 531 414 345 3,030 2,991 4,155 3,639 567 450 585 387 1,098 1,269 1,188 1,185
Female Number 1,761 2,991 27 51 6 6 84 147 90 105 480 873 612 993 66 108 48 108 171 300 171 294
Percent female % 13 21 9 18 13 17 13 22 18 23 14 23 13 21 10 19 8 22 13 19 13 20
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 88,914 128,832 74,675 110,117 81,244 116,510 79,156 116,108 81,554 114,865 84,361 118,784 91,656 135,813 89,153 125,061 95,548 127,752 89,589 140,309 98,068 136,883
Male CAN$ 89,616 130,228 74,537 110,558 82,100 116,288 80,018 117,310 82,792 115,051 84,823 120,146 92,462 136,776 89,774 127,440 96,637 130,771 90,561 142,368 98,189 137,953
Female CAN$ 84,158 123,666 76,073 108,146 76,351 117,432 73,217 111,793 75,953 114,251 81,451 114,112 86,182 132,281 83,834 115,150 82,299 116,993 83,347 131,629 97,240 132,586
Gender gap3 % 94 95 102 98 93 101 92 95 92 99 96 95 93 97 93 90 85 89 92 92 99 96
Associate professors
Both sexes Number 11,871 13,434 369 321 54 93 690 720 330 396 3,267 3,213 4,290 5,184 489 525 399 483 927 1,209 1,053 1,290
Male Number 8,541 8,538 261 201 39 60 486 423 243 234 2,370 2,121 3,078 3,303 354 333 282 315 648 744 777 807
Female Number 3,330 4,893 111 120 15 30 204 294 81 162 897 1,092 1,212 1,881 135 192 117 171 279 465 276 483
Percent female % 28 36 30 37 28 32 30 41 25 41 27 34 28 36 28 37 29 35 30 38 26 37
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 70,490 101,455 60,903 90,391 68,624 96,626 62,689 90,405 64,425 89,179 69,276 94,733 73,946 108,555 67,909 92,042 74,645 100,788 65,975 104,886 74,239 103,546
Male CAN$ 71,526 102,567 61,478 91,699 68,928 99,482 63,142 91,525 64,791 90,099 70,294 95,708 75,132 109,628 68,795 92,656 75,871 99,404 66,646 107,294 75,595 105,005
Female CAN$ 67,830 99,513 59,543 88,220 67,903 91,007 61,608 88,796 63,343 87,856 66,585 92,840 70,932 106,672 65,567 90,969 71,705 103,334 64,421 101,047 70,416 101,114
Gender gap3 % 95 97 97 96 99 91 98 97 98 98 95 97 94 97 95 98 95 104 97 94 93 96
Assistant professors
Both sexes Number 6,138 10,734 168 258 75 45 429 669 210 288 1,134 1,959 2,388 4,512 291 504 231 378 558 888 657 1,233
Male Number 3,573 6,099 93 138 42 24 228 339 117 141 687 1,143 1,395 2,556 168 282 138 204 318 540 387 726
Female Number 2,565 4,635 78 120 33 18 201 327 96 147 444 816 996 1,956 123 222 90 171 240 351 270 507
Percent female % 42 43 46 47 44 40 47 49 46 51 39 42 42 43 42 44 39 45 43 40 41 41
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 56,528 82,114 47,800 70,190 53,325 77,733 51,879 72,809 48,601 71,404 54,801 76,669 58,935 85,932 54,076 74,918 63,849 83,788 51,945 85,124 61,349 87,264
Male CAN$ 57,333 83,268 48,456 70,652 53,721 78,108 52,593 72,933 48,877 71,850 55,311 77,842 59,611 87,196 55,556 75,892 64,034 83,689 52,762 85,223 62,632 88,953
Female CAN$ 55,407 80,595 47,017 69,642 52,805 77,264 51,077 72,680 48,266 70,983 54,009 75,025 57,986 84,281 52,055 73,667 63,559 83,906 50,862 84,970 59,523 84,844
Gender gap3 % 97 97 97 99 98 99 97 100 99 99 98 96 97 97 94 97 99 100 96 100 95 95
Both sexes Number 1,335 2,466 12 12 3 30 75 75 66 75 234 297 543 1,020 78 90 39 129 93 291 192 447
Male Number 639 1,188 6 3 0 18 21 24 27 30 135 156 258 504 33 45 24 72 54 123 81 210
Female Number 696 1,278 3 9 3 12 54 51 39 45 99 141 282 519 48 45 18 54 36 168 114 237
Percent female % 52 52 25 75 100 40 72 68 59 60 42 47 52 51 62 50 46 42 39 58 59 53
Average salary2
Both sexes CAN$ 53,783 75,721 43,152 61,656 x 84,761 44,996 64,175 50,741 64,254 52,502 65,936 58,341 81,180 45,053 65,536 39,265 61,842 48,704 77,469 56,924 78,226
Male CAN$ 55,698 76,940 46,407 x 0 84,964 45,309 63,211 54,353 69,451 54,915 67,709 59,617 81,530 44,149 67,494 39,668 62,404 54,367 79,557 58,387 80,585
Female CAN$ 52,028 74,590 x 63,609 x 84,410 44,874 64,629 48,302 60,629 49,236 63,989 57,165 80,839 45,702 63,446 38,799 61,119 40,287 75,940 55,891 76,164
Gender gap3 % 93 97 x x x 99 99 102 89 87 90 95 96 99 104 94 98 98 74 95 96 95
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.
1. Excludes: staff who have been on unpaid leave; all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to lay staff; staff having a salary of zero or not reported.
2. In current dollars. To convert this current dollar data to constant dollar amounts for comparison over time, it is recommended that the Consumer Price Index be used. For the index and further details on converting, see Table F.1.3.
3. Defined as the average salary of females as a percentage of the average salary of males.
4. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff such as coaches.
Note: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, University and College Academic Staff Survey, published May 5, 2010.
Updated December 13, 2010.