Table D.3.2.2
Number, age distribution and median age of full-time university teaching staff, by sex, Canada and provinces, 1998/1999 and 2008/2009

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  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
Both sexes
All ages 33,603 41,922 855 909 180 222 1,908 2,148 1,137 1,200 8,046 9,447 12,390 15,933 1,500 1,698 1,365 1,602 3,006 4,194 3,216 4,566
20 to 29 186 282 3 6 0 0 15 9 18 6 33 57 63 129 12 12 12 12 21 30 6 24
30 to 39 5,439 8,196 105 156 48 36 294 432 234 201 1,263 1,821 2,001 3,357 213 270 216 300 564 753 501 873
40 to 49 11,034 12,828 279 258 72 81 657 597 375 402 2,745 2,730 3,867 4,986 450 507 459 501 1,092 1,338 1,041 1,425
50 to 59 13,110 13,113 390 288 48 81 768 741 435 417 3,147 3,057 4,899 4,608 612 528 498 516 1,074 1,398 1,242 1,479
60 and over 3,831 7,503 78 201 12 24 171 369 78 171 855 1,785 1,563 2,853 216 384 183 270 252 678 426 768
All ages 24,831 27,324 636 588 123 144 1,341 1,302 801 723 6,108 6,399 9,108 10,254 1,095 1,119 1,050 1,035 2,190 2,763 2,379 2,991
20 to 29 105 150 0 3 3 0 9 6 9 3 18 24 39 72 3 6 9 6 12 15 3 12
30 to 39 3,558 4,926 66 99 30 18 186 249 153 102 834 1,095 1,293 2,028 126 153 147 171 384 468 336 543
40 to 49 7,536 8,049 198 144 39 54 417 342 252 246 1,953 1,764 2,607 3,102 282 315 315 306 765 867 705 912
50 to 59 10,284 8,475 306 189 39 51 582 429 324 261 2,550 2,070 3,804 2,949 495 333 411 339 822 903 954 948
60 and over 3,348 5,724 63 150 9 21 144 276 66 114 750 1,440 1,365 2,106 189 318 165 213 210 510 384 573
All ages 8,772 14,601 219 324 57 78 567 846 339 474 1,938 3,048 3,282 5,679 405 579 315 567 813 1,431 840 1,572
20 to 29 81 132 3 3 0 0 6 3 6 3 15 30 24 60 9 6 0 6 9 15 3 9
30 to 39 1,881 3,267 36 57 15 15 111 183 78 102 429 723 711 1,329 84 120 69 126 183 285 162 327
40 to 49 3,501 4,779 81 114 30 24 240 258 126 159 792 969 1,257 1,887 165 192 141 198 330 471 339 513
50 to 59 2,829 4,641 87 96 9 33 186 312 111 156 597 987 1,095 1,659 117 198 87 177 252 495 288 528
60 and over 483 1,779 12 51 0 3 27 93 15 54 108 342 198 747 24 66 18 57 39 165 45 195
percentage distribution
Both sexes
20 to 29 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
30 to 39 16 20 12 17 27 16 15 20 21 17 16 19 16 21 14 16 16 19 19 18 16 19
40 to 49 33 31 33 28 40 37 34 28 33 34 34 29 31 31 30 30 34 31 36 32 32 31
50 to 59 39 31 46 32 27 37 40 35 38 35 39 32 40 29 41 31 37 32 36 33 39 32
60 and over 11 18 9 22 7 11 9 17 7 14 11 19 13 18 14 23 13 17 8 16 13 17
20 to 29 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
30 to 39 14 18 10 17 24 13 14 19 19 14 14 17 14 20 12 14 14 17 18 17 14 18
40 to 49 30 30 31 25 32 38 31 26 32 34 32 28 29 30 26 28 30 30 35 31 30 31
50 to 59 41 31 48 32 32 35 43 33 40 36 42 32 42 29 45 30 39 33 38 33 40 32
60 and over 14 21 10 26 7 15 11 21 8 16 12 23 15 21 17 28 16 21 10 19 16 19
20 to 29 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
30 to 39 21 22 16 18 26 19 20 22 23 22 22 24 22 23 21 21 22 22 23 20 19 21
40 to 49 40 33 37 35 53 31 42 31 37 34 41 32 38 33 41 33 45 35 41 33 40 33
50 to 59 32 32 40 30 16 42 33 37 33 33 31 32 33 29 29 34 28 31 31 35 34 34
60 and over 6 12 6 16 0 4 5 11 4 11 6 11 6 13 6 11 6 10 5 12 5 12
median age of teaching staff
Both sexes 50 49 51 51 45 49 49 50 48 49 49 50 50 48 51 51 50 49 48 49 50 49
Male 51 50 51 52 47 49 51 51 49 51 51 51 51 49 52 52 51 50 49 50 51 50
Female 46 48 48 48 42 49 47 49 47 48 46 48 47 47 46 48 45 46 46 48 47 49
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
Notes: Staff for whom age was unknown (year of birth not reported) were excluded. To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. Similarly, percentage distributions, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, University and College Academic Staff Survey, data published August 10, 2010.
Updated December 13, 2010.