Table D.2.9
Number of certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by colleges, by sex of graduate and field of study, Canada, provinces and territories, 2005/2006 and 2006/2007

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  Canada Newfoundland
and Labrador
Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia1 New Brunswick Quebec1,2 Ontario3 Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia1,3 Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
Both sexes4 158,673 1,746 780 3,480 2,919 50,307 56,085 2,394 3,090 17,232 20,433 6 123 78
Education 4,047 0 0 36 9 1,062 1,458 87 288 243 858 0 3 6
Visual and performing arts and communications technologies 9,675 54 24 231 180 2,817 3,921 66 30 972 1,374 0 0 0
Humanities 29,169 192 0 66 12 22,506 2,760 6 0 1,080 2,547 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 13,125 105 33 156 129 3,363 6,054 246 120 1,083 1,815 0 3 18
Physical and life sciences, and technologies 1,278 0 0 0 18 552 465 27 12 93 111 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 6,675 102 51 144 78 2,106 2,781 147 60 405 798 0 0 0
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 20,799 480 174 1,164 966 3,381 8,628 444 507 3,201 1,851 0 9 3
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 3,285 48 21 57 105 618 1,029 63 18 669 663 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 35,802 441 186 810 690 7,374 14,421 744 918 4,215 5,886 6 75 42
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 24,921 201 135 564 612 4,968 9,135 501 1,059 3,978 3,744 0 27 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 9,300 120 150 231 120 1,524 5,106 66 78 1,296 606 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 321 6 0 6 0 0 165 0 0 0 138 0 0 9
Other 279 0 0 15 0 39 171 3 0 0 48 0 0 0
Male 64,482 777 468 1,698 1,488 19,590 23,931 939 1,182 6,921 7,461 3 18 12
Education 489 0 0 15 0 99 75 27 33 12 228 0 0 0
Visual and performing arts and communications technologies 3,354 39 6 99 63 792 1,509 39 12 327 465 0 0 0
Humanities 10,998 45 0 21 12 8,583 1,119 3 0 405 813 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 2,409 9 9 60 18 294 1,377 39 24 186 393 0 3 3
Physical and life sciences and technologies 606 0 0 0 12 276 207 6 3 39 57 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 5,040 75 33 102 63 1,734 2,052 87 48 276 576 0 0 0
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 17,730 381 171 1,080 918 2,835 7,329 381 447 2,658 1,527 0 3 3
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,953 24 21 36 93 381 597 42 12 348 408 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 11,907 72 60 147 171 2,799 4,935 228 189 1,224 2,070 3 6 3
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 4,197 30 84 42 72 732 1,590 60 372 633 582 0 3 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 5,658 102 90 90 63 1,056 3,036 30 42 819 333 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 27 3 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 117 0 0 12 0 9 78 0 0 0 12 0 0 0
Female 93,930 969 297 1,779 1,410 30,717 31,998 1,452 1,908 10,272 12,951 3 105 69
Education 3,549 0 0 24 9 963 1,377 60 252 234 621 0 3 6
Visual and performing arts and communications technologies 6,291 15 18 132 117 2,025 2,400 27 21 627 906 0 0 0
Humanities 18,165 147 0 48 0 13,926 1,638 6 0 675 1,731 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 10,686 93 27 96 114 3,069 4,653 204 96 894 1,422 0 3 15
Physical and life sciences and technologies 675 0 0 0 9 279 255 18 9 54 51 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 1,620 30 9 45 12 372 726 63 12 129 222 0 0 0
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 3,048 96 6 84 45 543 1,287 63 57 543 321 0 3 0
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,326 24 3 18 12 240 429 21 9 321 255 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 23,841 366 126 663 516 4,572 9,447 516 729 2,982 3,816 3 66 39
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 20,676 168 54 519 537 4,233 7,509 441 684 3,336 3,165 0 24 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 3,603 21 63 144 42 471 2,046 33 36 474 270 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 291 3 0 3 0 0 135 0 0 0 135 0 0 9
Other 165 0 0 3 0 30 93 3 0 0 33 0 0 0
Both sexes4 158,214 1,743 807 3,747 2,208 50,184 56,763 2,544 3,459 16,032 20,475 24 126 96
Education 3,912 0 0 93 6 1,065 1,197 75 99 246 1,122 0 3 6
Visual and performing arts and communications technologies 9,387 54 27 174 141 2,898 3,741 66 42 879 1,365 0 0 3
Humanities 28,419 192 0 111 12 22,596 3,183 21 0 207 2,103 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 13,590 105 27 153 99 3,357 6,534 246 195 945 1,896 0 3 27
Physical and life sciences and technologies 1,161 0 0 0 12 540 363 24 24 90 108 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 5,874 102 69 120 60 2,046 2,094 159 60 387 774 3 3 0
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 21,033 480 189 1,302 729 3,306 8,373 453 1,104 3,249 1,824 9 9 3
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 3,042 48 21 60 81 588 993 84 48 651 468 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 35,829 441 168 837 534 7,365 14,808 717 744 4,089 5,982 9 81 48
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 25,236 201 126 630 441 4,875 9,645 513 768 4,101 3,912 0 27 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 9,984 123 177 237 90 1,512 5,460 78 348 1,182 771 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 318 6 0 0 0 0 171 0 9 0 117 0 0 12
Other 432 3 0 30 0 36 204 105 24 0 36 0 0 0
Male 64,044 777 447 1,812 1,116 19,518 24,039 999 1,626 6,450 7,218 12 18 12
Education 516 0 0 12 0 102 75 24 3 9 288 0 3 3
Visual and performing arts and communications technologies 3,363 39 12 87 54 807 1,464 39 21 345 495 0 0 0
Humanities 10,746 45 0 15 12 8,619 1,284 6 0 78 684 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 2,382 9 6 60 12 294 1,416 39 9 141 390 0 0 3
Physical and life sciences and technologies 528 0 0 0 9 273 141 6 9 39 54 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 4,452 72 21 90 45 1,701 1,596 87 45 267 525 3 0 0
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 18,051 381 174 1,191 693 2,769 7,227 390 978 2,688 1,548 6 3 3
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,773 24 6 33 66 363 582 57 36 327 276 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 12,003 72 27 162 135 2,805 5,220 225 186 1,194 1,959 0 9 6
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 4,074 30 75 45 48 717 1,800 36 135 639 555 0 3 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 5,934 99 123 93 48 1,062 3,126 51 180 714 438 0 3 0
Personal improvement and leisure 36 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
Other 183 0 0 18 0 12 81 39 24 0 9 0 0 0
Female 93,726 966 300 1,920 1,074 30,669 32,451 1,542 1,809 9,546 13,242 12 108 84
Education 3,384 0 0 78 6 960 1,119 54 93 234 834 0 3 3
Visual and performing arts and communications technologies 6,003 18 15 87 90 2,088 2,262 24 21 522 873 0 0 0
Humanities 17,667 144 0 93 0 13,977 1,890 12 0 132 1,419 0 0 0
Social and behavioural sciences and law 11,151 93 21 93 87 3,063 5,076 210 186 795 1,503 0 3 21
Physical and life sciences and technologies 630 0 0 0 3 270 219 21 15 51 54 0 0 0
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 1,374 30 6 27 12 348 495 72 15 120 249 3 3 0
Architecture, engineering and related technologies 2,952 99 15 105 36 540 1,131 63 120 558 276 3 6 0
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 1,260 24 12 30 15 225 405 27 12 324 192 0 0 0
Business, management and public administration 23,667 366 126 669 402 4,563 9,477 495 549 2,886 4,014 6 69 45
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 21,111 168 54 588 390 4,161 7,806 474 630 3,453 3,354 0 24 0
Personal, protective and transportation services 3,996 21 54 138 36 453 2,310 27 159 465 333 0 0 0
Personal improvement and leisure 282 3 0 0 0 0 144 0 6 0 114 0 0 12
Other 246 3 0 12 0 24 123 63 0 0 24 0 0 0
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
1. Graduates from private non-subsidized institutions are not included.
2. For Quebec colleges, the number of certificates, diplomas and degrees granted is provisory.
3. Data for a few institutions are not included.
4. The college completion figures for both sexes include individuals for whom sex was not reported; therefore, these figures may not match the totals obtained when the completions for males and females are added together.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and sub-totals are independently rounded, the total values may not match the sum of the individual values.
All counts reflect the number of graduates in the academic year, excluding students completing programs related to pre-employment, apprenticeship, basic training or skills upgrading, second language training, job readiness or orientation programs. Graduates for the academic year are shown by province of study.
Field of study data, previously coded as part of the Community College Student Information System (CCSIS), have been converted to PSIS using the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2000 categories.
These figures reflect certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by colleges, not universities. Please see Table D.2.3 for the number of certificates, diplomas and degrees granted by universities.
All PSIS data are subject to revision.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, Postsecondary Student Information System, CANSIM Table 477-0016, published March 30, 2010.
Updated December 13, 2010.