Table D.1.5
University enrolment,1 by sex, registration status, and program type, Canada and provinces, 1998/1999, 2003/2004 and 2008/2009

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  Both sexes2 Male Female
1998/1999 2003/2004 2008/2009 1998/1999 2003/2004 2008/2009 1998/1999 2003/2004 2008/2009
Full-time students
Total full-time enrolment, all programs3
Canada4 580,377 738,153 828,216 260,901 319,359 360,663 319,476 418,680 467,442
Newfoundland and Labrador 13,116 14,445 13,968 5,553 5,580 5,544 7,563 8,823 8,409
Prince Edward Island 2,472 3,252 3,336 951 1,158 1,197 1,518 2,094 2,139
Nova Scotia 30,027 36,240 33,126 12,843 15,324 14,037 17,181 20,904 19,050
New Brunswick 18,528 21,123 18,666 8,253 8,907 7,626 10,278 12,216 11,028
Quebec 134,160 161,775 172,425 59,364 71,247 75,411 74,799 90,531 97,011
Ontario 229,983 316,062 365,775 105,117 136,557 160,008 124,866 179,478 205,767
Manitoba 20,883 27,846 29,145 9,381 11,793 12,279 11,505 16,050 16,854
Saskatchewan5 23,655 26,478 17,493 10,500 11,370 7,893 13,158 15,108 9,600
Alberta 53,508 65,004 68,787 24,303 28,782 30,648 29,208 36,219 38,133
British Columbia 54,039 65,931 105,492 24,639 28,641 46,017 29,400 37,257 59,448
Canada4 484,734 617,565 662,610 212,268 258,930 281,985 272,469 358,551 380,559
Newfoundland and Labrador 8,904 9,612 9,462 3,804 3,783 3,639 5,103 5,814 5,817
Prince Edward Island 2,346 3,165 3,156 858 1,122 1,134 1,488 2,040 2,019
Nova Scotia 26,667 32,097 28,761 11,226 13,233 12,111 15,441 18,858 16,614
New Brunswick 16,665 19,149 16,779 7,320 7,947 6,732 9,342 11,199 10,041
Quebec 105,003 124,386 129,219 44,694 52,242 54,423 60,306 72,141 74,799
Ontario 197,382 274,713 311,799 87,861 115,161 133,878 109,524 159,525 177,918
Manitoba 17,772 24,504 25,377 7,725 10,107 10,536 10,047 14,391 14,838
Saskatchewan5 20,373 23,049 13,947 8,757 9,606 6,417 11,616 13,446 7,533
Alberta 46,197 54,066 55,293 20,565 23,256 23,883 25,632 30,813 31,413
British Columbia 43,428 52,827 68,811 19,455 22,476 29,229 23,973 30,321 39,567
Canada4 78,828 101,193 127,527 40,785 51,798 61,662 38,040 49,368 65,841
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,374 1,326 1,497 669 627 732 705 675 753
Prince Edward Island 27 51 126 12 18 42 15 30 84
Nova Scotia 2,280 3,234 3,666 1,149 1,650 1,662 1,131 1,578 2,004
New Brunswick 1,047 1,323 1,458 543 705 753 507 618 702
Quebec 25,206 32,724 38,001 12,759 16,680 18,426 12,444 16,044 19,578
Ontario 28,668 36,936 49,158 15,207 19,308 24,009 13,461 17,628 25,152
Manitoba 2,340 2,595 3,183 1,281 1,326 1,527 1,059 1,269 1,650
Saskatchewan5 1,743 2,361 2,418 1,002 1,209 1,152 744 1,149 1,266
Alberta 6,165 8,859 11,391 3,201 4,710 5,802 2,961 4,146 5,586
British Columbia 9,972 11,781 16,626 4,965 5,556 7,551 5,007 6,222 9,069
Part-time students
Total part-time enrolment, all programs3
Canada4 245,985 255,561 284,154 96,579 100,278 110,748 149,406 155,151 173,232
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,595 3,105 3,351 1,044 1,266 1,278 1,551 1,824 2,067
Prince Edward Island 417 606 756 108 210 273 312 396 480
Nova Scotia 7,215 8,538 7,770 2,688 3,018 2,598 4,524 5,451 5,136
New Brunswick 4,236 4,431 4,359 1,404 1,569 1,545 2,832 2,856 2,787
Quebec 98,115 98,286 96,675 38,568 38,481 37,218 59,550 59,802 59,457
Ontario 72,957 81,714 82,692 29,130 32,874 34,476 43,830 48,837 48,216
Manitoba 9,852 10,200 10,164 4,005 3,819 3,849 5,844 6,381 6,312
Saskatchewan5 7,623 8,079 2,154 2,823 2,964 636 4,797 5,115 1,518
Alberta 20,262 21,093 24,987 7,740 8,088 9,096 12,522 13,005 15,852
British Columbia 22,713 19,506 51,246 9,066 7,989 19,779 13,644 11,472 31,410
Canada4 148,758 153,099 159,891 56,466 58,842 63,177 92,295 94,203 96,672
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,203 1,338 1,293 492 576 486 711 753 804
Prince Edward Island 408 375 429 105 138 192 300 237 237
Nova Scotia 3,810 4,302 3,906 1,509 1,680 1,419 2,301 2,622 2,469
New Brunswick 1,794 1,908 2,754 582 723 945 1,215 1,182 1,800
Quebec 61,545 61,572 58,509 22,803 22,464 21,534 38,745 39,111 36,972
Ontario 44,562 50,448 49,626 17,091 20,124 21,030 27,471 30,324 28,596
Manitoba 7,362 7,419 8,034 3,024 2,925 3,162 4,335 4,494 4,869
Saskatchewan5 3,915 4,734 1,431 1,347 1,647 450 2,568 3,084 978
Alberta 7,527 5,847 7,914 2,802 2,265 3,054 4,725 3,582 4,851
British Columbia 16,632 15,156 25,998 6,708 6,303 10,905 9,921 8,811 15,090
Canada4 34,653 41,640 42,549 15,810 18,657 17,271 18,846 22,980 25,257
Newfoundland and Labrador 588 777 1,044 267 357 411 324 420 633
Prince Edward Island x 84 117 x 33 21 x 51 99
Nova Scotia 1,497 2,406 2,589 546 825 747 951 1,581 1,833
New Brunswick 543 678 822 243 279 282 300 396 537
Quebec 15,492 18,975 19,191 7,245 8,874 8,118 8,250 10,101 11,076
Ontario 9,000 9,996 11,283 4,260 4,542 4,956 4,740 5,451 6,327
Manitoba 834 858 966 324 339 321 510 519 648
Saskatchewan5 1,236 876 141 573 393 54 663 486 90
Alberta 3,045 4,116 4,182 1,359 1,875 1,686 1,686 2,244 2,496
British Columbia 2,424 2,877 2,214 1,002 1,143 678 1,419 1,731 1,527
x suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
1. Counts represent the number of students who were enrolled in a full-time educational activity on December 1st (November 1st in Ontario) and thus present a snapshot of enrolments on that day.
2. Includes enrolments for which sex was not reported; therefore, these figures may not match the totals obtained when the enrolments for males and females are added together
3. Includes the following categories not listed in this table and delivered by a university: "Trade/vocational and preparatory training certificate or diploma", "Community college certificate or diploma or other community college level" and "Other program levels". "Other program levels" include program levels not applicable or non-programs (taking non-credit courses or taking courses without seeking a credential).
4. Since 2005/2006, enrolments for University of Regina have not been available.
The following institutions, previously colleges, now have the status of universities and are included in the 2008/2009 counts for British Columbia: Capilano University, Vancouver Island University, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Kwantlen Polytechnic University and University of the Fraser Valley. The increase in enrolment for Canada in 2008/2009 was mainly due to the attribution of university status to these five colleges. Part of this increase in university enrolment was in "Trade/vocational and preparatory training certificate or diploma" and "Community college certificate or diploma or other community college level" programs.
Due to a revision of the institutions included in the survey, the following are not included in the 2008/2009 data: in New Brunswick, Bethany Bible College; in Ontario, Institut de pastorale des Dominicains, Tyndale University College and Seminary, Redeemer University College, Royal Military College of Canada; in Alberta, Newman Theological College; in British Columbia, Regent College, Vancouver School of Theology, Trinity Western University, and Seminary of Christ the King.
5. For University of Saskatchewan, the definition of full-time and part-time has changed. The registration status for enrolments in 2008/2009 refers to the September-to-December period. In the previous years, it referred to the September-to-April period. For University of Saskatchewan, residency enrolments in the health-related programs are not included in the 2008/2009 counts.
6. Includes programs leading to a bachelor's degree, a first professional degree, an applied degree, university preliminary year or pre-bachelor, undergraduate-level certificate or diploma, license undergraduate and licentiate or testamur.
7. Includes programs leading to a master's degree, an earned doctorate, post-doctoral program, master's qualifying year, university graduate-level certificate or diploma, PhD qualifying year or probationary, internship (postgraduate medical education known as post-MD) and residency (medical, dental, veterinary).
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and sub-totals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.
Enrolments counts were revised from 2004/2005 to 2007/2008. Also, the enrolments for the Institut de pastorale des Dominicains were removed from the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 data. The reconciliation of data is not yet completed for University of Saskatchewan for 2008/2009; University of British Columbia, for 2006/2007 to 2008/2009.
All PSIS data are subject to revision.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, Postsecondary Student Information System, CANSIM Table 477-0013, published July 14 2010.
Updated December 13, 2010.