Table B.2.9
Average undergraduate and graduate university tuition fees,1 full-time Canadian students, Canada and provinces, 2006/2007 to 2010/2011

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  Academic year2
2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/20103 2010/20114
current dollars
Canada 4,400 4,558 4,747 4,942r 5,138
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,633 2,632 2,619 2,624r 2,624
Prince Edward Island 4,920 4,440 4,530 4,969r 5,131
Nova Scotia5 6,422 6,110 5,877 5,752r 5,495
New Brunswick 5,470 5,590 5,479 5,516r 5,516
Quebec6 1,932 2,056 2,180 2,309r 2,415
Ontario7 5,155 5,388 5,667 5,985r 6,307
Manitoba 3,319 3,271 3,238 3,408r 3,588
Saskatchewan8 4,774 5,015 5,064 5,173r 5,431
Alberta 4,763 5,122 5,308 5,240r 5,318
British Columbia 4,740 4,922 4,746 4,706r 4,802
Canada 5,387 5,592 5,737 4,860r 5,182
Newfoundland and Labrador 2,096 3,686 2,443 2,458r 2,456
Prince Edward Island 2,693 2,875 2,665 4,091r 3,913
Nova Scotia5 8,054 7,357 7,734 7,701r 7,350
New Brunswick 4,970 5,119 5,070 5,074r 5,034
Quebec6 2,059 2,370 2,219 2,443r 2,600
Ontario7 8,490 8,486 8,256 6,256r 6,917
Manitoba 4,626 4,602 3,805 3,936r 4,132
Saskatchewan8 2,837 3,533 2,762 3,127r 3,271
Alberta 5,490 6,150 4,948 4,597r 4,672
British Columbia 5,605 6,431 7,241 6,230r 6,353
r revised
1. Tuition data do not include additional compulsory fees such as athletics, health services or student association fees. Using the most current enrolment data available, average tuition fees have been weighted by the number of students enrolled by institution and field of study. Foreign students are not included.
2. A major redesign of the Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students (TLAC) questionnaire was implemented for the 2007/2008 collection cycle, when fields of study based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) were used. Executive Master of Business Administration and Regular Master of Business Administration previously included in the "Business, management and public administration" category were presented independently under the graduate programs; this change had a substantial impact. In 2010/2011, MBA programs were excluded from the national and provincial weighted averages to eliminate the impact of the high cost of these programs on the overall tuition fee averages.
3. The 2009/2010 data were preliminary; that is, they may have included estimates that were provided by responding institutions when final fees were not available before the reporting due date. These data have now been revised and finalized.
4. The 2010/2011 data may include estimates that were provided by responding institutions when final fees were not available before the reporting due date.
5. Beginning in 2007/2008 in Nova Scotia, the weighted averages take into account the different fees paid by in- and out-of-province students.
6. In Quebec, the weighted averages take into account the different fees paid by in- and out-of-province students.
7. Beginning in 2007/2008 in Ontario, adjustments to the calculation of weighted averages were introduced to account for fees that vary according to the year of study.
8. Since 2006/2007 in Saskatchewan, the weighted averages have been calculated using the enrolments of 2004.
Notes: Since the distribution of enrolment across various programs varies from period to period, caution should be exercised when making historical comparisons.
To convert this current dollar data to constant dollar amounts for comparison over time, it is suggested that the September Consumer Price Index corresponding with the beginning of the university academic year (September to August) be used. For the index and further details on converting, see Table F.1.4.
For a brief description of this indicator, including the methodology, please see the Handbook for the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program.
Source: Statistics Canada, Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students at Canadian Degree-granting Institutions Survey (TLAC), data released September 16, 2010.
Updated December 13, 2010.