Statistics Canada
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Table D.3.4
Number and salary of full-time university teaching staff,
1 by academic rank and sex, Canada and provinces, 1996/1997 and 2006/2007

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  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia
All full-time teaching staff
Both sexes No. 33,963 40,026 858 861 186 210 1,905 2,163 1,125 1,188 8,706 9,270 12,216 14,949 1,551 1,677 1,341 1,449 2,760 3,843 3,312 4,422
Male No. 25,752 26,721 645 576 135 132 1,368 1,344 828 753 6,741 6,462 9,159 9,825 1,203 1,143 1,068 975 2,112 2,592 2,496 2,922
Female No. 8,208 13,302 213 285 54 75 537 819 300 435 1,965 2,805 3,060 5,127 348 534 270 471 648 1,248 813 1,500
Percent female % 24 33 25 33 29 36 28 38 27 37 23 30 25 34 22 32 20 33 23 32 25 34
Average salary2
Both sexes $ 73,948 100,027 62,010 86,230 64,023 90,003 63,700 89,332 68,147 90,472 73,041 95,962 75,828 103,514 73,138 94,011 79,088 103,907 73,649 106,623 79,471 102,999
Male $ 76,807 104,091 63,761 89,633 67,075 92,782 66,607 94,134 70,920 94,293 75,175 98,932 78,928 107,464 76,188 98,820 82,202 107,930 76,785 112,109 82,883 108,285
Female $ 64,976 91,865 56,697 79,389 56,250 85,103 56,294 81,448 60,453 83,907 65,720 89,120 66,549 95,940 62,622 83,766 66,860 95,597 63,414 95,243 69,004 92,698
Gender gap3 % 85 88 89 89 84 92 85 87 85 89 87 90 84 89 82 85 81 89 83 85 83 86
Full professors
Both sexes No. 14,163 13,908 288 291 54 39 684 708 531 459 3,738 3,858 4,854 4,539 669 567 663 516 1,320 1,488 1,362 1,446
Male No. 12,480 11,082 258 237 51 30 603 576 444 348 3,270 3,021 4,272 3,603 603 465 615 420 1,158 1,203 1,209 1,176
Female No. 1,683 2,829 30 54 6 9 81 132 90 111 468 837 579 933 63 102 51 99 162 285 156 267
Percent female % 12 20 10 19 11 23 12 19 17 24 13 22 12 21 9 18 8 19 12 19 11 18
Average salary2
Both sexes $ 87,751 123,243 74,117 104,447 77,365 108,558 76,840 112,562 80,247 111,175 84,266 113,866 90,246 129,494 88,754 121,094 92,640 127,626 87,937 133,225 97,079 130,889
Male $ 88,392 124,529 74,111 105,025 77,477 108,836 77,420 113,424 81,299 111,499 84,709 115,082 90,992 130,385 89,296 123,261 93,782 130,353 88,919 134,836 97,058 132,399
Female $ 83,000 118,202 74,172 101,792 76,223 107,518 72,525 108,775 75,083 110,156 81,166 109,482 84,752 126,059 83,563 111,333 78,611 115,849 80,954 126,394 97,246 124,285
Gender gap3 % 94 95 100 97 98 99 94 96 92 99 96 95 93 97 94 90 84 89 91 94 100 94
Associate professors
Both sexes No. 12,168 13,026 378 315 63 90 696 699 333 414 3,399 3,126 4,368 4,956 525 516 411 471 957 1,155 1,038 1,275
Male No. 8,904 8,361 270 201 48 60 498 414 243 249 2,517 2,100 3,183 3,183 384 330 291 312 675 723 795 789
Female No. 3,264 4,665 105 117 15 30 198 285 90 165 879 1,026 1,185 1,776 144 186 117 162 282 432 243 486
Percent female % 27 36 28 37 24 33 28 41 27 40 26 33 27 36 27 36 28 34 29 37 23 38
Average salary2
Both sexes $ 69,699 97,510 60,447 85,334 67,016 93,105 61,560 87,617 63,830 85,130 69,390 91,269 72,835 104,161 66,994 89,349 70,248 102,589 64,881 99,215 73,973 99,629
Male $ 70,659 98,468 60,899 86,755 67,210 95,729 61,995 88,100 64,239 86,283 70,299 92,251 74,111 104,964 67,348 90,385 70,486 100,740 65,544 101,174 74,915 101,314
Female $ 67,081 95,793 59,289 82,839 66,353 87,943 60,464 86,917 62,734 83,407 66,791 89,260 69,413 102,722 66,041 87,505 69,664 106,140 63,291 95,926 70,906 96,890
Gender gap3 % 95 97 97 95 99 92 98 99 98 97 95 97 94 98 98 97 99 105 97 95 95 96
Assistant professors
Both sexes No. 6,351 10,713 180 240 66 45 444 666 195 249 1,341 1,983 2,448 4,461 300 504 228 369 426 945 720 1,251
Male No. 3,780 6,159 111 132 36 18 237 327 117 129 840 1,179 1,449 2,568 183 297 141 201 246 558 420 750
Female No. 2,571 4,554 69 111 30 24 210 342 78 120 501 804 999 1,890 117 207 90 168 180 390 297 501
Percent female % 40 43 38 46 45 53 47 51 40 48 37 41 41 42 39 41 39 46 42 41 41 40
Average salary2
Both sexes $ 55,570 79,095 47,440 66,742 51,637 74,018 50,511 70,247 49,058 68,517 54,669 73,163 57,014 82,297 54,265 73,629 61,598 83,748 51,901 82,737 60,413 84,541
Male $ 56,400 80,408 47,724 66,741 52,930 72,254 51,750 70,536 49,417 69,439 55,313 73,770 57,582 83,824 56,227 75,526 61,855 83,011 53,092 84,242 61,786 86,312
Female $ 54,351 77,321 46,995 66,745 50,219 75,430 49,104 69,974 48,513 67,542 53,591 72,271 56,194 80,223 51,198 70,871 61,182 84,624 50,250 80,591 58,466 81,889
Gender gap3 % 96 96 98 100 95 104 95 99 98 97 97 98 98 96 91 94 99 102 95 96 95 95
Both sexes No. 1,281 2,379 15 12 3 36 81 84 69 66 225 300 549 990 60 90 33 90 51 255 192 453
Male No. 591 1,122 6 3 0 24 33 30 27 24 111 162 255 468 33 48 21 45 30 111 75 207
Female No. 690 1,257 9 12 3 12 48 60 42 39 114 138 291 522 27 42 15 45 24 144 120 246
Percent female % 54 53 60 100 100 33 59 71 61 59 51 46 53 53 45 47 45 50 47 56 63 54
Average salary2
Both sexes $ 52,785 72,325 44,472 59,518 x 82,255 43,615 60,549 48,955 62,095 51,364 65,295 56,085 76,839 47,645 64,412 40,735 57,273 50,554 73,435 55,672 74,355
Male $ 55,281 74,105 45,135 x ... 81,878 43,956 60,427 53,816 62,092 55,155 67,678 58,217 77,891 49,579 66,018 42,217 59,591 56,489 75,857 57,523 77,443
Female $ 50,650 70,737 43,891 61,034 x 82,977 43,403 60,608 45,754 62,096 47,738 62,481 54,203 75,895 45,281 62,540 38,759 54,956 43,069 71,614 54,495 71,735
Gender gap3 % 92 95 97 x x 101 99 100 85 100 87 92 93 97 91 95 92 92 76 94 95 93
1. Excludes staff who have been on unpaid leave; all religious and military personnel or similar staff paid according to salary scales lower than those applying to lay staff; staff having a salary of zero or not reported.
2. In current dollars. To convert this current dollar data to constant dollar amounts for comparison over time, it is recommended that the Consumer Price Index be used. For the index and further details on converting see table F1.3 (in Education indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) 2007. Updated tables released May 1, 2009). Due to differences in the index chosen, converted data may not be directly comparable to that in PCEIP 2007.
3. Defined as the average salary of females as a percentage of the average salary of males.
4. Includes lecturers, instructors and other teaching staff such as coaches.
Notes: To ensure the confidentiality of responses, a random rounding process is applied to the data. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values.
Source: University and College Academic Staff Survey, Statistics Canada. Last updated March 9, 2009.