Statistics Canada
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Table D.2.3
Number and type of degrees, diplomas and certificates granted by colleges and universities, Canada, 1992 to 2007

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year9 Colleges1 Universities2,3
College diplomas and certificates4 College or CEGEP university transfer programs5 College undergraduate degree and graduate programs6 Bachelor's and first professional degrees7 Master's degrees Earned doctorate degrees8
1992 .. .. .. 120,747r 19,434r 3,135r
1993 .. .. .. 123,204r 20,817r 3,357r
1994 .. .. .. 126,537r 21,291r 3,552
1995 .. .. .. 127,332r 21,357r 3,717r
1996       127,986 21,558 3,927r
1997 .. .. .. 125,793r 21,318r 3,966
1998 .. .. .. 124,860r 22,026r 3,978r
1999 .. .. .. 126,438r 23,271r 3,966r
2000 .. .. .. 128,568 24,228 3,861
2001 110,634 25,323 2,106 129,240 24,906 3,708
2002 113,496 24,978 2,859 134,019r 26,307r 3,729
2003 119,238 25,122 3,069 140,898r 28,995r 3,864r
2004 123,813 26,289 3,147 148,563r 32,418r 4,164
2005 131,094 26,055 4,155 151,884r 32,982r 4,200
2006 .. .. .. 161,031 34,080 4,449
2007 .. .. .. 175,395 34,791 4,827
1. Includes community colleges, CEGEPs (collège d'enseignement général et professionnel or college of general and vocational education in Quebec), technical institutes, hospital and regional schools of nursing, and establishments providing technological training in specialized fields. In counting the number of institutions, hospital schools of radiography, medical technology, and health records are included. Starting with year 1999/2000, graduates from private non-subsidized institutions are not included. From 2000/2001 to 2005/2006, data from a small number of colleges in Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia are not included in the released data. Some institutions changed their institutional type from college to university and three closed between 2000/2001 and 2004/05.
2. Includes universities (independent institutions granting degrees in at least arts and sciences; Colleges of theology (independent institutions granting degrees only in theology); Liberal arts colleges (independent institutions granting degrees in only in arts); Other (independent institutions granting degrees in specialized fields other than theology (such as engineering, fine arts)). Private non-subsidized institutions are not included. University data presented in this table includes foreign students in Canada. For University of Regina, enrolments since 2005/2006 and qualifications awarded since 2005 are not available.
3. This table excludes categories for university diplomas/certificates below or above bachelor's degree and is thus not comparable with Tables D.2.7.a, D.2.7.b, D.2.8.a, and D.2.8.b.
4. Includes certificates or diplomas from college or CEGEP postsecondary programs or college post-diploma programs. The count excludes students completing programs related to pre-employment, apprenticeship, basic training or skills upgrading, second language training, job readiness or orientation programs.
5. Also includes Associate degree.
6. Undergraduate from a college includes Bachelor degrees, applied degrees and other undergraduate degrees, as well as university-undergraduate level certificates or diploma. Graduate level includes Master's degrees and other university-graduate level certificates or diplomas.
7. Includes Bachelor degrees, applied degrees and first professional degrees.
8. Includes Ph.D.'s and equivalent earned doctorates.
9. Year refers to academic year for colleges; e.g., 2001 refers to academic year 2000/2001.
Notes: The count represents the number of students graduated during the reference period. To ensure the confidentiality of responses, all counts are randomly rounded to a multiple of 3. Since the total and subtotals are independently rounded, the total value may not match the sum of the individual values. College data should not be directly compared with data for colleges before 2000/2001.In 2000, the Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) began to replace the University Student Information System (USIS), the Community College Student Information System (CCSIS), and the Trade/Vocational Enrolment Survey (TVOC) with a single survey offering common variables for all levels of postsecondary education. Historical enrolment and graduate data from the previous surveys have been converted using PSIS definitions to maintain the historical continuity of the statistical series. Although most institutions are already reporting under PSIS, some are still in the process of implementing this new system. During this transition period, these institutions are reporting their data via the surveys that PSIS is replacing. Compared to data reported in the Community College Student Information System (CCSIS), the institutions who have reported data in a Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) format are asked to include any qualifications that were awarded, which includes university degrees. The result is that any true year to year growth since 1998/1999 would be confounded with any increase due to changes in reporting. Particular attention should be made of the move from CCSIS to PSIS reporting for all Quebec and British Columbia from 2000/2001, and for Alberta from 2004/2005.
Sources: Adapted from Statistics Canada, CANSIM tables 477-0014 and 477-0016, Postsecondary Student Information System. Last updated July 13, 2009.